its ok not to be ok💘

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You are losing because you are not giving up.
give it up so you can gain!!
give everything up and find yourself, die right now and Reborn again!
let the showers of joy wash the blood stains,
let your playful side be alive again!!

Always take care of yourself,
cause no one will do that like you would..
never let your responsibilities burden you,
you don't confine yourself in boundaries of rules,
Cause then ,you will suffer.. .
and no one will be there to protect you from your suffering .....
you can't cry it away,
or eat it away,
a starve it away ,
or walk it away ,
Or punch it away,
Or even therapy it away...
Cause its just there...!

Don't spend your life impressing people and compromising with yourself,
Because they will stay only till they need you !!!
Always keep yourself as your first priority..!

Don't take yourself too seriously!!
After all we all are humans .....not programmed devices!!!
We all make mistakes,
we all get tired of daily routine sometimes..
And believe me, it's ok !!
Never treat your failures like the end of the world!!!!

When you are losing because you are not giving up
Give it up so you can gain
take a break from work ...
and fine fun in life !!!!
bunk a few classes,
scold low in a couple of subjects, fight with your siblings
And fall in love
it's ok ,cause everyone needs a break at some point of life..!!!

Let the playful side of yours live
fly in the sky of boundless opportunities ,
and dive in the oceans of countless possibilities..
cause sometimes 'ITS OK NOT TO BE OK' .

So the next time,
you are losing because you are not giving up,
give it up so you can gain..
give everything up and find yourself, die right now and Reborn again.
Let the showers of joy wash the blood stains,
let your playful side be alive again..!

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