Chapter 1 Audition

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pov Tini

Today is my first and real audition for violetta, I really can not wait, actually it is not allowed by dad and Peter and mom. I do not know how to say this, maybe Mom, Daddy I have an audition. no, I'll only say it when I'm accepted. wow this is really exciting! I did an audition earlier when I was little, secretly because it really is not allowed, I walk to the kitchen to get something tasty, jamie what am I going to take maybe a sandwich with chocolate. my favorite is everything with chocolate

Pov jorge

wow my first audition, exciting pfff I'm really nervous. only stephie is complaining all the time that I can not play Leon's role because I have to kiss another girl. but I do not care that she nags (s = stephie)

S: Hey darling stephie says in a very sweet but icy tone
J: you know you should not call me that I do not want it ok and WHAT IS THERE.
S: sorry jorge. tomorrow your audition are you nervous?
J: yes very much Pff I hope I'm accepted I can not wait.
S: yes, I hope it is not for Leon anyway but for Andreas or for bruno
S: STEPHIE stop, bruno has almost no text and Andreas neither and I still choose myself and I go for Leon understood
S) yeah me best em what are we going to eat
J) choose yourself, you cook today I do not have to practice and I do not have time
stephie is really difficult, she can not leave me alone for 1 time, she never does what I ask her, she is really a stupid calf

the next day

it is the audition for violetta, everyone is nervous, so it is an important day

pov tini
yes it's my audition Hey, I see cande there now

T) hey cande and everything right?
C) hey tini yes everything is fine! and nervous
T) yes very much I can not wait
C) no, I can not wait
?? Hey girls
C-T) hey mercedes and lodo nervous?
L) yes Pff is not too bad! You've already seen that nice guy
M) No, I'm not nervous, and yes, I see who is that?
T) no idea actually😮
M-l-c) tini your mouth is open haha are you in love? oe oe
T) no no you are crazy! I already have a boyfriend

(thoughts) wow he is really handsome! no no I can not, I have a boyfriend and he will not be happy, but really honestly I hope he can play Leon and I violetta I am not in love with him, I am not in love with him! he is not handsome! he is not handsome! He is handsome!

Tini is taken out of her mind

Tini? says lodo and Mercedes
T) Yes .. yes what is your he hello I.I.I am t.t.tini and you are? saying she is already blushing and stuttering
J) jorge jorge blanco! you are really cute when you blush and you are really beautiful
T) Oh well, you're cute too, I mean
J) o no problem hello! for who are you?

Pov jorge

I hope tina or tini is not for violetta, I hate her already she is ugly and stupid haha stupid
R) jorge, brother, buddy, bro, earth to jorge, he can not hear it!
F) no he does not hear you, earth at jorge, wait I have an idea jorge is in love! jorge is in love!
J) no wait what on that girl no sorry she is ugly was just about my audition ....... the thinking yes that's it
J) who are you stoessel for
?T) I go for violetta. and you?
J) you very cool em Leon
F) I go for maxim
N) and I for Andreas
A) Nadia
M) mean ludmila
L) Fransisca
R) federico and you Maria?
M) Angie and you cande?
C) camila
S) brodway
Nice all
onee that ugly duck go for violetta and I leon ieuw should I kiss her then she has probably
never done

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