Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Detective Franklin and Weinstein left me alone shortly after my confession.

It felt like an eternity before anyone came back into the room. In reality it was only a half an hour before another officer came in offering me a water.

"Do you know how much longer it'll be?" I asked, accepting the bottle of water.
"No, ma'am," he said, shaking his head a little.
I asked if I could use the restroom, rubbing my stomach for emphasis. I swore little Julian was doing jumping jacks on my bladder. He could probably feel my anxiety.
He led me out into the hall and escorted me to the restroom. We walked past the other two interrogation rooms. I glanced at the doors. Taylor was in one of those rooms. What was happening in there? How much trouble were him and Ike in? Sure, they were defending me but they had walked away from it, that couldn't look good. I forced myself not to start crying and pushed open the bathroom door.
I splashed water on my face when I was washing my hands and used a paper towel to dry both my hands and my face. I needed to hold it together. We would get through this, I had to keep telling myself.
I opened the door and stepped back into the hall. The officer smiled at me and we made our way back toward the interrogation room I was being held in. My eyes drifted back towards the two I knew Taylor and Ike must be in and sighed.

"How lovely to see you again, Miss Amelia," I heard the voice that still made my skin crawl, in front of me.
I didn't want to look. Maybe if I didn't look it wouldn't be real. He wouldn't be here.
"Oh do you two know each other?" The naive officer standing beside me asked, grinning dopishly.
"Why, yes, young man," Mitch said. "I'm her step father."
I forced myself to look at him finally, and glared.
"He's also the one pressing charges against me, so he probably shouldn't be talking to me."
"Ahh," The Officer said, nodding. "She's right about that."
"I haven't seen her in so long though," Mitch sighed. "You understand, dontcha boy? She's my daughter? I've missed her, despite all this nonsense. She's my little girl. I raised her. She's carrying my granddaughter."

I clenched my fists and bit the inside of my cheeks so hard I tasted blood. I could see the officer wavering. How, after all these years, could he still get whatever he wanted from everyone? Still get everyone to believe him?
"Well," The Officer said. "It's really against protocol."
"Please son," Mitch begged, and adjusted the collar of his shirt showing off his clerical collar. That did it.
"Well, maybe just for a minute."
Mitch smiled a toothy grin and the officer smiled down at me.
"You can't be serious," I cried. "I don't want this. I am an adult and I am refusing this."
"Miss Lincoln," The Officer said, calmly. "He's your dad."
"He's nothing to me. Oh no, excuse me, he's the man who raped me for 4 years of my life. I don't want time with him, I had more than enough, thank you."
I stormed off back toward the interrogation room I was in. Just before I reached the door I turned back.
"And another thing Mitch," I said. "My baby isn't a girl, you sick fuck. And even if he was. I wouldn't let you come with in 1000 feet of her."
I walked into the room and shut the door. I sat down on the chair and buried my head in my hands. Only this time I didn't cry. I started laughing, because the look of shock on Mitch's face when I said out loud in front of him that he raped me for four years was priceless. Taylor was right. Mitch has no power over me anymore and he wasn't expecting that at all.
There was a knock on the door and a second later it opened. It was the young officer checking on me.
"Are you okay ma'am?"
"I'm fine," I replied, taking a drink of the bottle of water he brought me earlier.
"I'm sorry about that," he looked down at his feet. "I was raised catholic and when I saw he was a man of the cloth, I guess I got caught up and -"
"You're fine," I cut him off. "He has this way about him. But next time, ask the other person."
He gave a small chuckle, "Yeah, that's a good idea. I knew better anyway. I could get in serious trouble."
"I won't say anything," I assured him. "Just keep him away from me. What is he doing here anyway?"
"On his way to do a photo lineup," he said. "For who attacked him."
"Oh, shit" was all I could say.
He excused himself and exited the room.
Mitch hadn't seen them that night, he had been accusing me all these years. So why would he need to do a photo lineup? And did I just make things a whole lot worse by saying what I did? Now I wanted to cry.
I hated not knowing what was going on with Taylor and Isaac. I needed to see them.


Authors note

I am alive lol

Short one to get back in the game lol sorry for the super long hiatus. Life has been nuts I swear. I'm gonna try to update this and finish it soon if y'all are still with me

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2018 ⏰

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