I never thought you'd see

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I breathed, panicked, Rosanna doing her best to distract the beasts as I tried to crawl through the air ducts. She screamed, letting me know that they'd found out my little ruse, and now they would be looking for me.

I shrugged it off and kept going- my nerves already shot beyond their natural limits. I shivered, feeling a chill as my shadow slid away from me- towards the light instead of away from it. I looked ahead, seeing a vent grate and leaping for it- falling through it seconds before the thing that lived in those ducts caught me. I looked up and saw the stage- my goal- mere feet away. I shot forward, slipping under the curtain and hiding behind it as I tried to catch my breath. 

I relaxed slightly, and looked at the stage, freezing as I saw him. My brother was sitting on a stool, hands held out to the sides by strings and his form limp and covered in shadow. I felt my breath catch, and I surged forward, hugging him before lifting his face to see if he was okay.

My tears weren't enough to stop me from seeing the dried blood on his face or the wires that had been shoved under his skin- the worst two things being the metal plate welded and screwed into his cheek bones, and... the eyes having been scooped out. I saw the slit throat next and stared until the curtain rustled. 

I whipped around, arms trembling as I saw Lyra the lion make her way nimbly towards me. She screeched in victory, finally about to conquer me- their human opponent; the one person to keep them at bay for an entire week during their feeding season. But unfortunately for Lyra, I wasn't me anymore. 

After a week of constant fear, almost no sleep, hallucinations, exertion almost all the time, lying to my neighbors, running away from my neighbors, feeling the tortures my brother was put through daily, excessive bleeding, multiple injuries, and now my brother- the only reason I'd been willing to suffer any of this bullcrap in the first place; the slim chance that I might save him being crushed after seeing him not being alive- seeing him being dead.... I snapped.

I felt some wet, slimy /thing/ caress my cheek and ear as I let out a hellish scream of my own and charged her. She froze, confused, and I ripped off her arm, sending metal, wires, and oil flying everywhere. She screamed, trying to attack me, but I dodged her hasty swing and wrenched her other arm off, beating her head off of her body in a single swing with that very arm. Sparks jolted the downed beast and I saw a pool of red near its head. I went over and tasted the liquid- the blood making my vision go red. I turned, dashing out of the curtains as my exhaustion vanished.

I screamed, and ran towards the giant squirrel I saw, brutally ripping it apart before it could react. I drank this ones blood in an almost sadistically joyful way, ducking a blow from behind before jumping over and behind the offending wolf. I screeched, tackling him as we wrestled. I couldn't overpower it, so I did the second best thing- I bit a chunk out of it. I felt the slimy, squishy, wet thing slowly start to enter my ear, and screeched in fury; my strength from rage allowing me to bite off its face plate. It's blood squirted out at me and I drank it, my strength growing with every drop while it grew weaker. 

I hissed, looking around as I sought out the remaining two demons that had angered me. They would pay, and I would destroy them so completely that they would never even know the pain. The tongue jerked out of my ear, a creature screeching as Rosanna yelled from the effort of pulling it off of me. I turned and she froze, the bloody faced, tall, pale /thing/ she'd been holding breaking free and launching itself back at me with long, slimy tongue extended.

I howled, launching at it and tearing into it with claws that had ripped out of my fingers to replace the simple, human nails. No, I wasn't human anymore, and I had prey to hunt. I dashed out, not bothering with the creatures blood- I didn't care enough. I had two that needed killing. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2018 ⏰

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