Chapter 4

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Naomi was on the balls of her feet as soon as Luther was on the ground.

He was going to have one hell of a headache when he woke up. Hopefully he would.

If she didn't win the poor boy might never get the chance to wake again.

Wind and rain brushed against her skin refreshing her. Naomi hadn't realized how exhausted she was from her tranformations and fighting until the rain woke her from her daze.

"I'm going to enjoy watching you writhe in pain when you die..."

The chuckle chilled her to her bones, waking her even more than the rain ever could.

Her skin soon prickled at the cold developing goose pimples. Naomi reveled in the feeling of cold on her skin. Something she so rarely felt anymore.

"You'll never see that day. I will not bow to you ever. Not even if you stab me. I will never become your slave."

General Cowell Tion's sneer curled into something resembling a demented grin as he kicked the body of one of his dead men.

Bile rose in Naomi's throat at the disrespect for the men who died for him. A sneer rose on her lips to match his permanent one.

Her sword flashed brilliantly cutting the air and calming her nerves.

She was a thing of beauty as she stood before him naked, he thought.

Pure animal stuffed into the body of a young woman.

He wanted her. He wanted everything that wasn't his.

But above all else he wanted to make her his forever.

She already bore the mark of his ownership.

His slave had turned against him one night when he got a little too careless, and a little too frisky.

She had broken out that same night. But she left with a piece of him. Something that he needed.

She left with his life.

Unwittingly of course.

But since she still had it he belonged to her.

The slave had become the master.

And though he liked to change things he didn't like this change that had presented itself.

Naomi charged. War cry echoing around her.

Cowell ran to meet her with a war cry of his own.

His heart beat loudly at being so close to her.

Rain ran in rivulets down her tight skin. She was still accustoming herself to her newer skin after her impressive change before.

Their swords flashed feriously.

Each time contact was made between the swords sparks flew.

Fire burned in her eyes and in his.

Her's was for revenge.

His was for hunger.

He licked his lips, his mind straying to what he would do once he defeated her.

Lock her in a dungeon perhaps?

Or maybe...

His thoughts were cut short as Naomi's sword cut to the bone on his right arm.

Pain flared through his sword arm defeating him.

She was breathless with adrenaline, pride, and joy.

Her eyes were slitted into the eyes of a cat. But her eyes stayed the same shade of amazing blue.

"You went down quite easily Cowell... Too easy perhaps," she purred with satisfaction.

Naomi was glad she would finally bring down this monster.

The thing that destroyed her village, her home, her life.

"What are you going to do to me now? Chain me up? You know I can escape just as easily as you could. I'm all your's though."

He kneeled down in the mud and picked up a stick.

Naomi flung his sword away from him toward his dead steed.

Cowell began drawing shapes in the muck.

Naomi felt herself losing consciousness.

no! not now when i've come so close!! not when i finally have him at my mercy!

She only stayed awake long enough to see a flash of light from General Tion's shapes and see his twig become a sword.

General Cowell Tion watched as she fell into a rather ghastly sleep.

He'd have called it the sleep of the dead but she was still breathing.

He breathed a sigh of relief and fell into his own exhausted state.

He curled up next to her with a sigh.

Together the drifted off into a deep sleep.


Sorry this one is so short! I was trying to write something quick to keep you guys quiet... Sorry but I'm not going to be on pretty much tomorrow. Err i guess the rest of the day since it's now 1 am. Maybe late at night but not before 3 I'd say...

Sorry if this wasn't going the way you expected but I like throwing a few twists in there!!! Who know's what'll happen next... Hell I don't even know!

So I know it's nothing to rave about but if you like the book so far vote and comment!!!

And as for me I'm going to bed!

Night y'all's!!! May there always be good winds at your back and sunlight to kiss your face!

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