hospital pt.3 life saver

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A/N-this is it after the chapter before I edited  it then went to bed and forgot about it so here it is now

Jays p.o.v

I was at my apartment when I got a call it was from Daniel . I answered only to hear the voice of a woman ?....she said "are you an acquaintance  of ... Daniel Park ? " I nodded but then realized  that she couldn't 'hear' me nod and said "yes....why?" " he has been in an accident and your one of his emergency contacts " *DANIEL!* I quickly replied "which hospital ?" "(Insert hospital name)" "I'll be there soon" I replied and muttered a my love not realizing  she could hear me .

I quickly ran out of the room only to be stopped by my butler who said "it's late visiting hours are not till later I recommend  you get sleep so when you arrive at the hospital you won't look like a racoon " I nodded  and went to bed promising  to be there tomorrow .

*time skip to the next day*

I wake up and get ready to see Daniel . I get on my bike only to then realize I had no one to take care of the puppies . Wait I forgot my sisters there I'll just text her telling her to look after then .

After I sent the text I hurried over to the hospital . I rushed In and said "I'm here to see Daniel Park " " Ok are you a friend , lover , or just family ? " " friend/lover (you pick) " "OK he is in room 108 "

I nod and head to the room . When I enter I see him there laying down sleeping . He looks so peaceful , so elegant . I swiftly walk next to him and sit there just admiring him . He's hurt but he ... he's still beautiful . 

I stay there for a while then decide it's time to go . I'll go back tomorrow  since he should be up by then . Till then I'll have to figure out who did this to him .

I hear a nurse come and I turn to her and say "do you know what happened  " "yes , he was pushed out of a window along with another " "how far up was the window? " at least 5 stories up *idk?* " I nod then ask "do you know who did it ?" "No , we are not allowed that information but since you are close you can probably  ask the authorities  and they should tell you . " I quietly mutter a thanks and leave

Getting on my bike to go home I think and think and think about how anyone could do something like this . Hmm I'll find out soon till then I'll just be there right by Daniels side .

A/N - so it's not much but hey can you blame me . Summers here that means more sleepy time . Anyways this is what will be here until we get another update on Daniel and not ji-ho . So yeah next chapter will be Jay figuring out what happened  and all that so yeah . Buh-BYE 👋

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2018 ⏰

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