4th Petal part 1

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3rd Person's Perspective

"Omg yes!!! I saw this cute sweater!! And it has like freakin 5 colors!!!" Daehwi said while showing a screen shot of sweaters

"We really need to buy that let's go later and also eat at this restaurant that hyungseob and me tried" seonho said

"Sorry guys, but I need to go to daniel's later" Seungwoo said while arranging his things

The 3 of them are currently at the cafeteria while kenta is in ssg headquarters and jinyoung is no where to be found



Now, all the eyes in the canteen are looking at them and starting to talk about it

"Omg it's true then?"-??

"They're dating omo"-??

"I freaking hate you guys" Seungwoo rolled his eyes and walked out of the cafeteria

Seungwoo is leaning at the wall of room 69 where Kang Daniel is

"Why do I even need to fetch him. Wtf, what is he a baby?"

"s-seungwoo sunbae....are you waiting for Daniel sunbae?" a qt boi that was about to go inside the room 69 said

"Uh yes honey, Is it dismissed yet?"

"Daniel sunbae-nim is absent today, Only the rest of the nightmares came"

' shit what will I do then '

"I'll inform them that you're here"

"Wait no----" Before he could finish his sentence the qt boi disappeared already

He sighed and walked away

"Oy! Pres!" Jaehwan shouted which made him look back

"Heard you're looking for ur boyfriend huh"

' inhale exhale seungwoo, don't be pissed. You'll ruin your image'

"Ohhh so you just wanna get laid? HAHAHAHAHA" Hyunbin said and even get to high five with guanlin

"Nah, Can you show me the way to his house? I need to tutor him."  Seungwoo asked nicely and even smiled genuinely 

"Ohh now you want an orgy??" 

"Fuck yourself" 


Seungwoo finally arrived at the Mansion of Daniel after many struggles with the nightmares

"So, we're here. But i doubt Daniel hyung will let you in" Guanlin said while smirking and smoking

"Let's see then" Seungwoo rings the doorbell and a voice of a man was heard after that

"I'm here for Daniel, I'm Ong----" the gate magically opened right before Seungwoo could finish his sentence

"Ohhh not even a mere second" 

They entered the mansion which makes Seungwoo amazed and gasped in awe. 

"A bug will enter your sexy mouth baby" Hyunbin winked and blows out smoke to seungwoo's face which he quickly avoided

"Young Master is in the arcade room" the butler bowed and walked towards a room

"Ohhh who's up for fortnite???" Guanlin smirked and they started running towards the room 

"By the way, Wonho. Bring some chips. Make sure to bring the right flavors and brands. Last time Hyungwon almost died when he brought a wasabi flavored one" Jaehwan peeked out of the door and slammed it close right after. 

Seungwoo is just standing in the hallway not knowing what to do

"Hyung? Did something happen? I heard a loud noise" A tall good looking guy appeared wearing a maid uniform for girls

"Hyungwon-ah, Why didn't you tell me?"  The buff 'Wonho' guy asked 

Seungwoo is just standing there awkwardly while looking at them

Seungwoo's Perspective

"H-huh? The what?" 

' why is he wearing that? weird ' 

"That fucking kid almost killed you!!"   the buff guy walked towards the cosplay guy and removed the chocker thingy on his neck

' oh fuck that is a bruise boy ' 

"It's nothing. I'm okay really"

' Am i watching some kind of a freaking noon time drama?' 

The buff guy held the wrist of the cosplay guy and showed it to him 

' are they a couple or smth? '  

' shit are those hand marks? '

"EHEMMM" before they suck the hell out of their faces i decided to make them now that i'm still here 

"Oh my god, I'm sorry i didn't saw you there. D-do you need something?" The cosplay guy pushed the buff guy and dusted off an imaginary dust in his skirt 

"Where is Daniel's  room?" 

"I-I'm going to show you let's go" The cosplay guy guided me to Daniel's room leaving the buff guy clenching his jaw and fist 

"Are you the Hyungwon guy? May i asked why are you...uhmmm....---"

"Wearing this? Young Master wanted me to" he said while fidgeting his skirt 

' kinky fucker '  

"Where here. But Young Master might get angry if you enter. He forbid going inside" He said and was about to go

"You know, Your boyfriend will die out of worrying so you should say everything to him. It looks like he'll kill someone or wtvr" He suddenly stopped walking and looked at me with big eyes it almost popped out

"W-what?! H-how did you know t-that..h-he's my b-boyfriend???" 

"Err. It's obvious though....Anyways I'll go in now" 

I entered Daniel's room 

' wow, it's fucking dark ' 

I started to look for a switch but i tripped on something that made me fall

"Ow! fuck that hurt shit." I was about to stand but something jumped in my back


'A-a f-fucking cat.' 



I'm not scared. Really.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2018 ⏰

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