Getting Away From Here

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Letravian and Jada are in the car driving 

I'm taking you to my house Letarvaian says as he looks at jada 


Why baby 

I wanna get away  from here , I wanna start my life over again , I want a new beginning with the person I love the most

But what about your bestfriend and your mother what about them

Sasha will understand I hope and my ,mother I could honestly careless about her

Baby don't say that about your mom

Baby you have no idea of the shit she put me through owwww Jada groans in pain

Oh my gosh baby you okay Letravian says as he pulls over

Yes I'm okay I just can't get upset a lot because I'm in a lot of pain...

Why do you wanna leave here if you not doing good babe that ,makes no sense at all

I told you why I wanna leave here please do it for me

Okay fine baby but I need to get some clothes from home

I need some too can you take me shopping please

Sure I guess first lemme go to the house to pick something up Letravian says 


( they pull up to Letravian's house )

Baby just wait in here I'll be right back

Jada waits an waits an waits for letravian to come out the house jada gets tired of waiting so she gets out the car and heads into the house 

Letravian baby what is taking you so dang long to get something 

He doesn't answer 

Baby where are you stop playing we need to go to the store to get me some clothes quit playing with me damn 

Still no answer 

She goes upstairs and finds letravian laid out on the bed fast asleep 

Baby get your butt up we not suppose to be here i'm ready to go to a hotel adn go to sleep

*sigh* But baby i'm tired just lay down here with me we'll leave in a min okay i promise just let's rest for a few minutes letravian says as he put his hand out ,Jada grabs his hand and lays down with him

*They fall asleep for about an hour or so*

Oh shoot jada wake up we slept to long letavian says as he tries to wake jada up. She doesn't move one inch he turns jada over and find that she's bleeding 

Baby wake up letravian says as he kinda pushes jada

WHAAAAAAAAAAAT?????? jada says as she wakes up

Your bleeding bae

Oh my gosh jada says as she tries to get up but she can't because she's in to much pain to move 

Baby i'm gonna call for some help letravian says as he rushes to look for his phone 

No no no no im gonna be fine just go to the car and get my purse i have some medicine and stuff 

But baby what if the medicine doesn't work what if you keep bleeding 

I won't just go to the car and get my purse now jada groans in pain

Letravian rushes to the car to get jada's purse but it's not in there he looks over and over again and doesn't see her purse 

The pain finally goes down alittle bit so jada gets up to see what's taking him so long 

Letravian rushes in the room baby i can't find your purse where is it at 

It should have been in the car that's where i left it 

Well obviously you didn't if it's not in there

Okay well let's look around in here then jada says 

Okay they look everywhere but they can't find her purse 

Okay baby did you look in the right spot jada says 

Yes i did baby i look all in the car

Lemme go look for myself jada says as she walks to the car she opens the car and looks under the seat and her purse was there well looks like you didn't look hard enough 

I did look but okay whatever 

 To Be Continued......

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