Important A/N (PLEASE READ)

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Hey guys, It's August.

I want to give the people who read this book an apology. I'm also going to explain why this book, along with my others, have not been updated for a while.

1) Well... You know how hard it is to tell your parents you are Trans and technically Gay? Well.. I did that. I've been hiding it for a while now and the more I thought about it, I realized that I should tell my parents how I feel. Being honest, I was terrified. My family isn't religious or anything but.. we've never had a gay person in the family that also wants to change their gender. ... Well, I told them, and ... It didn't go so well. They didn't accept me so now I have to stay at a friend's house because I guess it was just to much for them to take at the moment.. So, that's one of the major problems I have,

2) I'm being honest. I hate being out of school, now I can't take the bus to the library. I have to deal with different people picking me up because I can't pay for my car money. Which brings me to explanation 3. (Taxes are rough on me.)

3) I have 3 jobs. One I can't even get paid with. Having three jobs is so stressful, I always have to be there on time and it's just... Crazy. I'm honestly more stressed in the summer than I've ever been in school. I just don't have the time anymore. For heaven sakes, I run 5 accounts that I really don't want to get rid of. My family is always bothering me to go places, my friends always want to come over and hang out, my jobs, we have a family vacation coming up next week, meaning I have to stay in a log cabin for a whole week and I'm not even sure there is going to be internet. The only time I can update stories is at night, That is the only time I'm free anymore and I need at least some rest.  I am literally writing this when it's 3:30 AM. 

I'm sorry but I'm just more stressed than normal, those are my reasons why. I'm sorry everyone. I hope you can understand.

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