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"Are you okay, Ten? Does it still hurt?"

Taeyong muttered softly as he stared at his best friend with a concerned look on his face.A few weeks had passed since that incident.No more paranormal stuff happened since then, and Taeyong thought that it's finally over.He believed that the nightmare is over.Ten just nodded absent-mindedly, still trying to remember what exactly happened to him.It was pointless. No matter how hard he tried to remember that night, it was still pointless.His head hurt just by trying to think about it.His injuries were healed since last week, but Taeyong was still worried.

"We need to go to the studio...we have a colleague" Ten spoke excitedly, trying to lessen the gloomy atmosphere.

"A new colleague? Since when? How come I didn't know about it?" Taeyong frowned and helped Ten to get up.

"I kept it as a secret, that's why..Let's go, shall we? I bet you're very excited to meet him" Ten sent him a knowing look as they both exited the house.

After 20 minutes, they were in front of their studio.Taeyong was still skeptical about all of this.Ten seemed pretty excited, so it couldn't be that bad, right? The red haired shook the suspicious feeling away and advanced towards the huge building.

When they opened the practice room's door a cold aura surrounded them.In the middle of the room... on the floor sat a male dressed in black.He sat cross legged, making the boys frown and look at each other in wonder.There was a couch in the room.Why would he choose to sit on the floor?

After quite some time,Ten decided to break the silence with an awkward laugh.

"Oh! Hello, Jaehyun-ssi..You're here pretty early."

The boy slowly looked over his shoulder and smiled creepily in Taeyong's direction.

Taeyong felt his blood freeze.This was the same boy that saved him from those drunk guys.

He told me that his name is 'Jeffrey'...

And now it's Jaehyun?..

"Hellllllooooo..earth to Lee Taeyong" Ten waved a hand at the shook Taeyong.

"Y-Yeah!" Taeyong smiled awkwardly

"Greet our new colleague!" Ten pushed him towards the black clothed male.

"Uhm..H-Hi..I'm Lee Taeyong" he shifted uncomfortably under the other's intense stare.

"Hello, Taeyong..I'm Jung Jaehyun" he said with a strange glint in his eyes.It looked like mischief mixed with amusement and something evil, but who was Taeyong to say something like this.The way he said his name had Taeyong in a daze.It sounded so beautiful and sophisticated.Just like the last time he saw him, he was still insanely beautiful.The only thing that changed was the new ear piercing,that made him look even more attractive.

"You already know me so how about we start dancing?" Ten suggested with a warm smile.

Taeyong and Jaehyun nodded and took their position.

(*inserts black on black*)

Taeyong examined the way Jaehyun moved and he had to admit that he was very talented.He was truly impressed by his dance skills.He had a good posture, good synchronisation and coordination.His body moved freely without a single care.It was like he danced his whole life.Taeyong wanted to acknowledge him as a friend but his cold, hostile and creepy aura made him quite suspicious.He wondered why was he so unapproachable yet so approachable.His presence felt wrong yet right at the same time.

After some time, they decided to take a break due to their sore muscles.Jaehyun seemed okay, though.It was intriguing.They danced for hours and he wasn't even tired.No sweat, no heavy breathing, no nothing.

Is he a machine?  What the hell..

"Why is it so cold in here?" Ten shivered

"Who knows?" Jaehyun's eyes were full of amusement and mischief as he stared at the trembling boys.

"Well..let's end it here..I'm wasted" Taeyong stretched his numb limbs and helped Ten to sit up.Jaehyun eyed them for awhile.Taeyong caught his icy stare and goosebumps formed on his pale skin.He couldn't help but feel scared.His aura was straight up evil and dark.

"We're leaving, Jae..are you coming too?"

Please don't..

"No..I have some things to do" he spoke in a deep tone

"Well then..see you tomorrow!" Ten waved and dragged Taeyong out of the practice room.

After they left, Jaehyun quickly disappeared.As soon as he disappeared, the coldness did too.

Ten and Taeyong parted ways but not before they hugged each other.The red haired shivered and walked towards his house.The road was unusually dark, making it quite difficult to see where he's walking.As he was walking he felt like he was being watched.It was that strange feeling you get when you're walking alone in the dark.Taeyong despised it.Out of nowhere he heard a deep yet honey-like voice sing.The song was terrible.Sick.His blood froze and he walked faster and faster but the song didn't stop.

"1..2..I'm coming for you
3..4..better lock your door
5..6..grab your crucifix
7..8..better stay awake
9..10..never sleep again"

Taeyong mumbled all sorts of prayers and quickly went to his room.The lights were once again turned off, making him curse loudly.He sat in the corner of his room and hugged his knees to his chest as he rocked back and forth.

In the hallway he could hear something scraping the wall as the deep, monotone voice continued singing the same song, all over again.

"1..2..I'm coming for you
3..4..better lock your door
5..6..grab your crucifix
7..8..better stay awake
9..10..never sleep again"



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