Smosh Fanfiction Life as a Cracker!

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Okay warning: me and my friend were possibly high or drunk or extremely tired when we wrote this. It's gay as fuck and I'm sorry if your eyes bleed while reading it. BUT, it was such a fucked up and weird story, I decided to privilege you all by posting it.
Enjoy!! Or maybe you won't. Idk.

There once were two crackers, named Anthony and Ian. They were quite funny to be honest. They were the funniest crackers were around. One day, Anthony and Ian were in their cracker box, with all the other crackers, when they felt like there was an earthquake. Someone was buying their box of crackers. And alarm started to go off, and Ian and Anthony were so scared, that they almost crumbled into pieces. But they pulled themselves together. Except for Ian, who was very very very very cared. Anthony saw Ian being a weird scaredy cracker and slapped him. "Pull yourself together man!" He screamed. Ian snapped back into reality. "Ok. Im fine now. I was only scared because we ARE ABOUT TO DIE! But I'll be fine! How about you?" Ian said sarcasticly. Anthony just gave him a evil glare. About twenty minuted later, the shaking had stopped. And things were still. Very still. Soon afterwards Anthony and Ian heard "Mommy, I can't eat my soup without crackers!!" They looked at eachother nervously. "I just bought some, honey, they're in the cabinet!" Soon the shaking started again, and then they saw a bright light. Ian suddenly had a bright idea, considering that crackers have small brains, Anthony and him had gotton lucky that he was able to think of something. He hurried and got on Youtube, making a video pleading for help, and that if anybody didn't help them soon, there would be no more videos. He hurried and submitted the video. Soon Anthony and Ian felt their box of crackers lift into the air, and when they thought it couldn't get any worse, their section of crackers, was opened!!! The humanoid spilt all of the crackers on a plate. Then the humanoid reached his hand down and grabbed a handful of crackers, luckily missing Ian and Anthony. But their luck didn't last long. The humanoid reached down and grabbed only two crackers..... Im sure you know who they were. Anthony and Ian were screaming in terror. The humanoids hand was moving to his mouth, when something crazy happened. A walking talking milkshake burst in the house and snatched Ian and Anthony out of the humanoids hand and flew out of the house, superman style. "Where woud you guys like to go" Says the milkshake "Chucky Cheese's!!!" Ian and Anthony say at the same time. Ian and Anthony had always dreamt of going to Chucky Cheese's and living on the stage where the robotic band plays. "Sure thing captain" The milkshake replied. After a while of talking to the milkshake, Anthony and Ian found out that the milkshake was their biggest fan, and had seen the video of their plead for help right after they had posted it. The milkshake dropped them off at Chucky Cheese's, and the lived happily ever after.

AN: yes, I realize that this story is a little odd, but I just got bored one day and said "What if smosh were crackers?" And thus this story was born. So, erm, yeah. Vote Comment and all that boring stuff. But always remember to keep loving Smosh!!!! <3 <3 <3 I would also like to give a shout out to nevadaparker24. She was the one who helped me with the idea. We were just sitting in my room one day eating crackers, talking about Pewwwdiepie, when she said "What if Smosh were crackers" And thus, this story was born. So thanks Nevada, Luv ya Gurlyana!! (Joey Graceffa reffrance)

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