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hi guys! welcome to aurora, a compilation of all the books i want to read. quick fact: the word aurora means dawn, and well, most of us often sleep late due to .... um, stuff. now that that's done, lemme list a few things that you can do, and what a couple of things mean.

~ you absolutely CAN recommend books, and point out errors

~ if there is a symbol (🗸) next to a title, i have already read it. i have probably only listed it because there are other books in the series that i haven't read.

~ books that are listed together are not necessarily in the same series

~ fiction is NOT the same as fantasy. fantasy is a style of fiction.

~ you will encounter a chapter titled "present | finished reading" that does not mean you have finished reading my list, just that those are the books that i have already read.

and now, ladies and gentlemen,

i present to you...

my reading list of 2018!

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