Prologue - The Monster's Control

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Have you, yes, YOU, ever stumbled upon a seemingly normal fanfiction? You know, everyone's trying to save the world, it's being pretty epic, there's not a sex scene in sight, when suddenly, the main couple just frick out of nowhere, and for no reason?

You may have blamed the suddenly lemon scene on the authors, when really, there is a greater force pulling the strings. It's name is the Lenny Face Monster.

It's existed since long before us, influencing mortals to write incredibly "sexy" and "chicklit" lemon fanfiction since the dawn of time. It's messager, the Lenny Owl, delivers it information of whenever a new fanfiction is created, so it can infect the author with the urge to write "hawt lemon chapters which will totally erect a penis!!!1!"

However, recently, the creature has changed up it's strategy.

While earlier the creature used to just infect one author at a time, the creature has developed a new strategy. Instead of directly finding and controlling authors, it instead haunts websites, causing EVERY author on that site to gain the urge to write hawt lemon chapters which will totally erect a penis.

Before, it haunted DeviantArt. Then, it haunted And guess what's it's next target is?

You guessed it; it's Wattpad.

However, what if the franchises most commonly infected by the Lenny Face found out about the many pornfics surrounding them, and gained the urge to stop the monster's influence?

This was exactly what happened when one day, two characters from a game called "Minecraft" got their hands on a special little device called a computer.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2018 ⏰

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