Thats Good.

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I sat on the floor like we were instructed to. Sherlock sat next to me doing deductions. Josh sat next to me trying to figure out a plan.
"Which on of you are Holmes?" One of the men asked.
Sherlock and I stood. He was either going to shoot them or say follow me.
"Follow me," he spoke.
"I beg your pardon?" Sherlock asked.
I elbowed him. He glared but followed.
We walked, following him.
They just had us sit in another dark room.
"Sherlock?" I asked.
"Yes," he replied.
"How was it possible?" I asked.
"I don't know. There are many explanations. Your hand vibrating faster than the bullet. Your vibrations traveling to the bullet causing it to shake apart," Sherlock continued.
"You don't think that that is it though. Do you?" I asked.
"No. Of course not. It was Moriaty who did this to you. He is insane. Was insane. There is now limit to what he could have done," Sherlock shrugged.
"Ya.... you know Moriarty once tried to flirt with m-Irene and she ended up slapping him," I laughed.
"That sounds like yo-Irene," Sherlock nodded.
"He ended up leaving that Christmas to go to some island thing," I shrugged.
"Sh-Wait. How do you know about it?" Sherlock asked.
"He called mom saying that he loved someone and wanted advice on something," I shrugged.
"Advice like. For a date?" Sherlock asked.
"I don't know she told me to leave. And normally I would have eavesdropped but she shut the door. When she came out I asked her where he was she said an island thing. I just left it at that," I spoke.
"Ooh. That's good. That's really good," Sherlock grinned.
"What?" I was interrupted.
"Police!!!" An officer yelled.

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