Chapter Five

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3 months later

Natasha grimaced as she gently got out of bed. Loki had done the 'magical' procedure almost two and half months ago, but she was still in a bit of pain. Loki had warned her that this could be a side effect so she wasn't too worried, but she was beginning to wonder if all this was worth it. However, a glance at Steve's sleeping figure told her that whether he knew it or not, she had made the right decision. She quickly showered, dressed, and headed downstairs.

"Morning, Lok." Natasha greeted the Asgardian warmly.

Loki raised an eyebrow. "No. No nicknames, Romanoff."

Natasha smirked. "Technically, I'm a Rogers now."

Loki shrugged. "Same difference. Seriously though, no one is gonna call me 'Lok'."

"Hey Lok!" Bucky called as he trotted through the house, brought in by the delicious smells of pancakes.

Loki threw his arms in the air. "You have got to be kidding me."

Natasha chuckled as she walked over to the coffee maker. Unfortunately, the moment she touched it, it spouted out several sparks. Natasha flinched. She still wasn't used to that. Ever since Loki had imbued her with magic, electronics had kind of gone haywire around her.

Loki glanced over at her and smiled. "Don't worry, Romanoff. You'll get the hang of it soon enough." Loki snapped his fingers and the sparks disappeared and hot coffee poured into the container. "Besides, you aren't half as bad as Thor was."

"Oh yeah? What happened with that?" Bucky asked curiously.

Loki snickered. "He managed to single handedly wipe out half of Asgard's fleet when he was five."

Natasha snorted and laughed. "Really?"

"Oh yes. Father was furious. I always found it rather funny, however."

"Just like I always found the fact that you flooded the entire city when you were seven amusing." Thor added, grinning as he walked in.

Loki raised an eyebrow. "How do you always manage to pop up when I tell these stories?"

Thor shrugged. "Heimdall knows all. Plus, these stories wouldn't be half as interesting if only my follies got told."

Loki acknowledged that fact with a nod of his head.

"Getting back to the point," Natasha interjected. "Why on earth did Loki flood Asgard?"

Thor chuckled. "He got mad at Father, but instead of a disappearing spell, accidentally used a conjuring spell."

"And since I'd been calculating exactly how much water would flood the city earlier that day..." Loki shrugged. "It was just one of those things."

"Should we be concerned by the fact that you already had all the numbers in your head?" Bucky asked.

Thor shrugged. "I wouldn't be. We were always coming up with that kind of stuff. The amount of heat we would have to pour into Jotunheim to melt exactly half the ice..."

"The amount lightning we should send into Vanaheim to reduce the oxygen content by 54%..." Loki continued.

"How much force it would take to send the moon hurtling towards Midgard..." Thor muttered.

Natasha stared at the two boys worriedly. "Are you sure you two are stable? And the protectors of the Nine Realms no less!"

Thor grinned. "Oh come on. You can't pretend that you haven't wondered similar things."

"No." Bucky said. "No we haven't."

Loki snorted. "Don't know what you're missing."

This could've gone on for some time, except that at that moment, Natasha made a run for the trash can and promptly threw up.

Bucky made a face, but Loki and Thor exchanged a glance.

Natasha grimaced. "That's disgusting."

Loki shrugged. "Depends. Romanoff, do you feel ... funny?"

Natasha shrugged. "A little maybe."

Thor frowned. "Does your stomach feel... bigger?"

Natasha raised an eyebrow. "Why all the questions?"

Loki and Thor exchanged another glance. "Because, Agent Romanoff, you could very well be pregnant."

Natasha's eyes almost popped out of her head. "What?"

Loki snickered. "Why so shocked? That was the entire plan wasn't it?"

Natasha nodded slowly. "Yeah, I just didn't think that it would happen so soon."

Thor shrugged. "Sometimes it just happens."

Natasha gave him a dirty look.

Loki shrugged. "There's only one way to find out." He gently began weaving his hands back and forth and started chanting. "What was hidden now is seen in shades of lilac and light green, boy or girl, straight or curl, show us now what can become."

Natasha raised an eyebrow. "Really?"

Thor shrugged. "Silver tongue remember?"

Loki rolled his eyes. "What I say doesn't really matter all that much. I just wanted it to rhyme. But look..." Loki pointed to Natasha's stomach, which had begun to glow lilac.

Natasha stared at her glowing stomach. "What..."

Loki shrugged. "Agent Romanoff, you're pregnant."

Natasha gaped at him. "And how do you know that?" She looked to Loki to answer but Thor was the one to answer.

"Instead of those pregnancy things Midgardian use, Asgardians use that simple spell. Green would've been a boy, lilac is a girl. If you weren't glowing, you wouldn't be pregnant." Thor told her.

"That is the weirdest thing I've ever heard of." Steve commented from the doorway. Everyone jumped.

"How long have you been there?" Bucky asked, clutching his heart.

Steve smirked. "Long enough." He smiled at Natasha. "So we're going to be parents."

Natasha smiled back. "I guess so." Steve walked over and embraced her. So far, everything seemed to be going well.
Hey guys! Sorry that I haven't updated in a while, but piano camp really took up my entire time! I had a blast though and am looking forward to next year. Also, sorry if this seems a little rushed, but the main part of the story is going to be Loki helping raise the Rogers' kids (yes there's going to be more of them!) Anyhow, I hope this chapter didn't suck too much! I'll try to update again in the next few days to make up for the missed time. If you guys have any suggestions or comments, I'd love to hear them! Have a great day!

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