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On a cold night in London , two gnomes : one tall and dressed sherlock Holmes style named Sherlock Gnomes. The other : short , elderly , bowler hat and blue suit . He has a black/gray mustache and beard ; his name is Watson. Sherlock and Watson were in front of a museum while Sherlock was studying the card.

Sherlock- The final clue , Watson.

Watson- The kidnapped gnomes are in the museum. And seconds away from being smashed !

Sherlock- We shall see about that !

Sherlock and Watson wasted not a second and ran inside the museum. As they entered in , they heard distress yells from the gnomes that are being held hostage and glued with ink sticky substance to the floor.

Female gnome- Help ! Help.

Sherlock climbs onto the dinosaur skeleton , while Watson ran to the kidnapped gnomes' aid. Sherlock made it to the top of the skeleton.

Sherlock- Show yourself , Moriarty .

Male gnome- Help ! I'm stuck !

Moriarty- Oh , Sherlock. How can I resist a request like that ?

Then a figure pops up from the crate of boxes in front of the skull of the dino. It was Moriarty. He's a pie mascot that's made from plastic and rubber. He's all yellow and slightly round. His head is spheric. He wears a pie looking hat on the right side of his head. He also has one lock of bangs in the middle of his face and also has small ears. His eye irises are amber yellow. He wears small magenta "Shorts" that resembles a small pot that was meant for pies to be baked in. His limbs are also have a  babyish appearance.

Right now he smiles joyously as he was raising his hands up in the air.

Moriarty- Ta-da ! Here I am ! Your favorite evil pie mascot . Though I said "Evil" , I do cry at sad films . I'm very complex....

Moriarty bends down and grabs one of the skeleton's bones and fiddles with it before doing a casual cane dance before dropping it , whilst smiling excitedly.

Moriarty- Don't try and get me . Shirley. Could I call you that ? You are just in time to see those gnomes go extinct !

Moriarty drops a few more bones until Sherlock speaks up as Moriarty began digging through his "pocket"

Sherlock- This stops now , Moriarty.

Moriarty got out his phone and his selfie stick. He turns away from Sherlock and poses fro a selfie as his camera flashes.

Moriarty- Oh , be honest , Sherlock. You enjoy our little game as much as I do.

Then Sherlock , almost fed up with Moriarty's foolishness , walks towards him while yelling at him.

Sherlock- This is no game ! I am the sworn protector of London's garden gnomes !

Annoyed , Moriarty puts his phone and his selfie stick away back in his stomach pouch and brought out a rolling pin as he kicked a few more bones off , frightening the gnomes. He hats his rolling pin on his palm and glares at the detective gnome menacingly .

Moriarty- If you are the sworn protector of the city's gnomes  , then I am their sworn destroyer ! And we will keep playing this little game, Sherlock , until I crush every last gnome in London !

Angered , Sherlock gives the mascot a death glare while sternly promising his goal and purpose.

Sherlock- ( enraged )  I'll stop you until the day I die !

Moriarty- Oh , lightbulb moment . What is it ?

Moriarty is now in a mocking thinking pose , until he jumps off the crate and lands onto the dinosaur skull while smiling crazily .

Moriarty- Yeah , today's that day. Come , Sherlock. ( menacing tone ) Come dance with me.

Moriarty and Sherlock charge at each other with sword and rolling pin. As they were about to strike one another , they blocked each other's moves. They break off as Moriarty twirls in mid air and yells as he comes down and nearly hits Sherlock in the face but Sherlock dodges as he strikes him in the gut , making him almost fall back but kept his balance steady. Infuriated , Moriarty yells furiously as he prepares to hit Sherlock. Sherlock attempts to hit him but misses as Moriarty strikes at his shin bones making Sherlock jump and fall from the skeleton.

But quickly , he holds onto the rib , but feeling he couldn't hold on any longer as Moriarty approached the helpless Sherlock. Watson spots this and gasps in horror. Moriarty strikes him many times but misses as Sherlock , having some of the strength he has in this situation. He grabs the rolling pin and pulls it and the insecure pie mascot off the skeleton , sending him falling as he screams .

But before he falls , Moriarty tries to grab onto the lever , but makes it move before falling back on the ground face first.

Moriarty- Ow !

Moriarty looks up to see the whole skeleton above him coming down on him.

Moriarty- No !

Moriarty grabs the rolling pin beside him and looks up and faces then skeleton collapsing above him. Je ooks in fear as the pupils and irises of his eyes shrunk .He was gonna get crushed.

Moriarty- Fudge buckets !

Sherlock , immediately ran up to the neck of the skeleton as Watson calls up to him.

Watson- Sherlock !

He throws him his cane as Sherlock luckily caught it and uses it as a grappling hook on the pole across him as the whole skeleton fell into smithereens. Everybody cheers for the victory of Sherlock once again. Everyone approached him as Watson became aghast.

Sherlock- No thanks needed. It is my sworn duty to protect you. No hugs.

Watson became saddened for a few seconds until Sherlock calls out to him.

Sherlock- Oh , Watson.

Watson looks back up at him and the crowd.

Watson- Yes , Sherlock ?

He approaches the bowler hat gnome with the crowd following him as he drops his cane as everyone passed him.

Sherlock- Yours , I believe.

As they left , Watson picks his came up and became crestfallen. It wasn't fair to Watson. He helped Sherlock and deserved half the credit he did. But, nobody cares about him as much as they do about Sherlock. But Sherlock came.back as he walks up to the scattered bones of the skeleton and stares in subtle triumph Moriarty's broken hat.

Sherlock- It's over , Watson. With Moriarty gone , London is once again safe for all garden gnomes.

To Be Continued......

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2018 ⏰

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