Chapter Three: Lunchbreak

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"You're right, Quinn," Ms. Langlois replied, "But we have to do what the school board tells us to do."

I sighed. "I know."

I sat in my seat and moments later, all the others filed into the room and class started. I didn't pay attention to anything and Ms. Langlois never called on me for anything. I was glad. I mean, I was a straight A student in all my classes so I didn't really have to pay attention for any reason. I did all my homework and I passed all my tests with flying colors. What more did the teachers want from me?

Suddenly, something dripped from my nose and a small splatter of blood landed on my desk.

"I'll be back!" I shouted, bolting from my seat and out of the classroom, holding my nose. I ran to the bathroom, the hall monitor telling me to slow down.

"Shove it," I snapped, "Unless you want to clean up my blood."

I made it to the bathroom and I grabbed some toilet paper from the nearest stall, wadded it up and shoved it into my nose. I pinched the bridge of my nose and I waited, sitting down on the toilet. This happened to me frequently, bloody noses. I had a deviated septum from an injury that I had gotten when I was a child and because of that, I got bloody noses all the time.

Minutes passed and my bloody nose slowed to a stop. I flushed the bloodied tissues and made my way out of the stall and up to the bathroom sinks. There was dried blood on my upper lip and between my nose and mouth. I swept my hair out out of my face. I finger-combed it to the right, smoothing the shaved left side of my head.

"God I'm a mess," I muttered as I washed away the blood on my lip. I looked back at the mirror, catching my own eye. I stared at them for a moment, trying to see past the mossy green iris. I never could though. Every time I tried, I'd end up distracted by the scar over my right eye. It would remind me of my mother, and how the psychotic bitch tried killing me when I was younger. I would've paid her back if I had seen her, but Dad had her locked up after the attack and I never heard about her again. It was also because of her that I had my deviated septum.

I straightened out my light purple tank top and my black dress shirt. There was some blood on the purple tank and I sighed. I'd deal with it. I looked down at my ripped dark grey skinny jeans and saw there were a few blood droplets on those too. I rolled my eyes. Whatever. I swiped my hair out of my eyes and proceeded to go back to class.

When I got back, everyone stared at me and Ms. Langlois looked worried. "Are you okay, Quinn?"

"Yeah, I'm okay. Just a bloody nose as usual," I sighed.

She nodded then went back to teaching class.


Once class was over, it was time for lunch. I waited for Claire at her locker and when she ran up to me, I greeted her with a smile.

"You ready to go?" I asked her.

She nodded. "Yeah, let's go!"

We left the school and headed to the fast-food restaurant that we liked. We had an hour and a half for lunch and we were going to take advantage of it. I ordered a bacon cheeseburger, some fries, and a coca-cola and she ordered the same thing. Despite her and I being complete opposites in most things, we always liked the same food. It was strange.

We got our food and we sat at a table next to the windows. I started munching on my fries and staring out the window.

"How are classes going, Quinn?" She asked.

I looked back and stared at her blankly.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know. You're a straight A student," she laughed after she took a sip of her soda.

I went back to peering out the window. "How's the boyfriend?"

"Oh, Adam? He's.... Okay."

I looked back at her again. "Something happen?"

She shook her head. "Not really. He's just been really distant lately."

I made a noise of disapproval in my throat. "I don't like how he treats you."

"I know," she sighed but then smiled at me, "He's usually okay, but there are times...."

"I still don't like him," I bit into my cheeseburger and chewed, looking at her.

"I know," she repeated.

She looked out the window just then and screamed. "T-there's a zombie out there!"

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