Wednesday Morning At Five O'Clock

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The car is running and my light canvas bag is specially packed. Flow fitting clothes for all types of weather, a lined coat for the cold, a Polaroid camera with film, some incense, a lighter, and more. It was time for us to get out. Somewhere, there must be a better world to see. I grab the cloth bag as well as my acoustic guitar.
Who knows?
Maybe we'll use it to learn how to play.
I sweep all gift cards into my purse and disable the location services on my phone.
We don't need to be tracked anymore - well - I guess it's more like we don't want to be.
I sneak down the stairs as rehearsed before in order to not wake the dogs. Honestly, they're the only ones I'm gonna miss.
I grab a thermo lunchbox in the freezer filled with goodies and a plastic bag hidden in the corner of the pantry with more munchies.
This can sustain for a day or two and He's bringing some too.
Oh Him.
He dons a pair of round sunnies as his blond hair flows freely a little past his shoulders. He was sure to pack more food and withdrawal all the money he had in his account. It was really all my Dream, but he felt an urge for it too. Too damn long has he stood stagnant on the same patches of land. Somewhere, there must be a better world to see.
It didn't matter if it could only last for a brief amount of time and consequences would wait for us. Right now, we just wanted to be free and with each other.
In a world so disgusted by love, we would prove them wrong.
Love is our tight bond. Nothing can drive us two doves apart. As every second together fades into oblivion, we are convinced that our heads are as clear as the Caribbean.
Maybe that's where we could go?
Nah, let's just try to stay in the US.
Though one day, we could go past the bubble barrier of a nation we were born in. This little trip was a test of how we'd handle liberation after all. I mean any time with Him makes me feel like I'm in another place and any touch or sexual contact propels me into another dimension.
I let these thoughts linger in my mind for a moment before I snap back to the task at hand. I skillfully slide my way down into the basement and out the door underneath the patio.
As I take each step up the hill and onto the driveway, I can taste the independence. Independence to love. Independence to be myself. Independence to just not give a fuck about what's being left behind.
The last step feels as if it's a cloud leading into heaven.
My heaven was that baby blue car.
My God was there in the driver's seat, smiling wickedly at me. It was as if he couldn't even believe I made it out here to him.
I swing the back door open and plop my things down. I then slide in front and he takes the cue to get out of here as fast as possible. We do so and later stop further down at the side of the rode. He looks at me with eyes exclaiming excitement. We started to yell praise at each other, yet keep it short in case our vacancies have already been discovered.
We drive on and on until we reach the Connecticut border to New York. Blasting classic rock the whole way, we remain in shock that our plan was going so well. I tell him to pull over to the shoulder just at the welcome sign and pull out my camera. I pose myself with him as the timer ticks down on top of his hood.
One normal smiling pose.
One pose where we devour each other's lips.
I admire the joy clearly on the both of us. The faces of The Beatles
distort as he laughs in pure ecstasy. My bell bottoms get muddy as he lays me down on the grass to the side of the road. Luckily it was vacant because the way he kissed me isn't suitable for all audiences. He picks up a wildflower and places it into my hair to which I giggle. He lends his hand to lift me up and I oblige fully.
Right as we crossed the line we both shout.
We both raise our middle fingers to the life behind us.
Our hearts beat wildly together from the exhilaration. Most importantly, within our mind carry the same thought.
Somewhere, there must be a better world to see.
Now, we were actually out to prove our point.

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