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    4:21 am, April 18, 2018. I don’t know what just happened but I saw this figure outside my window, it came towards me, approaching my tent in the backyard of my house.  When it was near me, I could see it holding a bright blue syringe. I could also see that this strange figure was not just some foreign imagination of mine, but it was a man, he was tall, maybe 6’5”, he was very lanky.

He looked like something paranormal, dressed in all black holding the syringe.

He came to my tent and opened it, not even concerned about the fact that he was intruding  private area. When he was inside my tent, he shot the needle inside me and suddenly disappeared. All I felt was coldness racing through me to my heart, then it got extremely hot. I felt as if I was going to die. Then out of nowhere, It ended, and I passed out.

2:19 pm  April 18, 2018. The world is supposed to end today, I don’t quite remember how it’s supposed to end, but it’s supposed to.  Today I managed to hurt someone's feelings, I messed up my friendship with this girl I know from elementary school, I called her ugly.  I’m such a dumbass, even my other friend group abandoned me for it. I don’t even remember why I called her that but it slipped out of my mouth in a heated argument.

11:28 PM April 18, 2018. I woke up in the middle of the night again, but the feeling of energy made me get up. When I felt this warmth rushing to my eyes, I looked in the mirror.  What I saw made me stumble and fall onto my ass, I saw bright blue eyes that seemed to glow in the low light, like a neon blue flashlight was there instead of my normal brown eyes. Suddenly, a noise, almost like my ears were ringing, came crashing down into my entire head.   At that point, even standing was a problem. About three seconds later, I found myself sitting down in a new area, one where I never remembered standing, or even seeing before. I was grabbed by rather large hands and shoved away into a van, in the van two other people sat down.  Their eyes glowing in two different shades, red and yellow. I didn't know these people, but something told me I would have to soon.

(A.N. Finally, after about a year i made a real book, one that isn't going to be forced around sex.)

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