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"Abigail sweetie come down for breakfast!" Nick her father says. "Okay!" Abigail says after she was done making her bed. She puts her cow plush next to her pillow and ran downstairs. "Morning Abbie." Her mother says. "Morning mom." Abigail says back. She sits down in her black leather chair and waits for her breakfast to be served. "So mom what did you make for breakfast?" Abigail asks. "I made Toast with eggs and bacon and also chocolate chip pancakes." Her mother replies. "Yum!" Abigail says. When her food was served Abigail stands up from her chair and go gets a coffee mug. "Young lady, what are you doing?" Her father says. "I'm going to get coffee for a change." She says back. "Uh, no how about milk instead?" Her mother said. "Ugh, fine." She said as she was putting away the mug. "Don't start with the attitude Abbie you know how I feel about that." Her mother says. "Sorry mom." She says back and started to eat. It was silent after that the only sound that was heard was the sizzle from the bacon. "Mm alright well Nova, Abbie I have to go to work." Her father says. "Bye". Her mother says as she was kissed on the cheek by her husband. "Bye dad." She says and then kisses him on the cheek. "When I come back Abbie I have something to show you." Her father says. "Okay dad, go to work!" She says. And he closes the door and leaves. When she was younger she would always go upstairs to see her fathers car go out and in the driveway every morning and evening. "Alright Abbie go get dressed for today we have a lot to do." Her mother says. "Okay mom." Abbie says. Abbie runs to her room and closes the door behind her. She goes to her closet and pulls out a white shirt with blue short overalls and her black and white converse. She then combs her hair and puts it in a messy braid. She goes downstairs and sees her mom playing with her dog Button. "Ready?" Her mother asked. "Yep!" Abbie says back. And they leave. "Oh by the way mom where are we going?" Abigail asked. "We're going to your aunty Lily's house." Nova says back to her daughter. And they drove off to Signal Hill.

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