The argument

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Abigail's POV
As we were driving over to my aunts house, my mom put on the radio "Oh my god Abbie this is my jam!" She said. Right before she was about to sing, I changed the station. "Abbie!" She exclaimed. "What was that for?!" "Mom I am not in the mood to hear you sing you know your bad at it and please don't ever say this is my jam again I said to her. "Shut up Abbie." And playfully pushed me.

Here's the thing my mom loves to sing has done it her entire life but she sings like crap. Imagine 30,000 chihuahuas mixed with a dying cat and you'll understand how my mom sings. We finally got there and I couldn't wait to get out of the car, I haven't seen my aunt Lily since I was 7. It's been five years. She was like a sister to me. "Abbie what are you doing." My mother exclaimed.

I got out of the car while she was trying to get in the driveway. "Aunt Lily!" I ran to her and hugged her tighter than I've ever hugged anyone. "Hey Appie!" My aunt said. When I was first starting to talk I couldn't pronounce my name right and I would say Appie. Hey Lily." My mom says. "Hey Nova." My aunt says back. My mom and her sister didn't really have a good relationship. They wanted different things.

"Hey Appie why don't you go into your room?" Lily asked. "Okay," I said back. My aunt was the only relative who lived close to me so when my parents would have work or would have to go to a business trip they would drop me off to my aunts house. I went there so much that my aunt made a room just for me.

Lily's POV"Nova I have to tell u something

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Lily's POV
"Nova I have to tell u something." "What's up." She said back. "I'm pregnant." I said. "You're what?!" "I know it's odd and kinda insane but I've got enough for a ba-." I said "Get a abortion." She interrupted me. "What?!" I was stunned by what my sister said.

"Lily you're not ready to start a family." She said. "Who says you have the ability to control my life?!" I say. "Lily your only 24!" "Yeah and mom had you when she was 16." "Do you not remember when she told us that everyone said to her to get an abortion!" "Yes Lily I remember." Nova said. "So then what the hell?!"

"Mom had help Lily." Nova said back to me. "Then what do I consider you?!" I yelled back. Tears falling down my eyes. How could she say that to me her own sister. "Lily I'm your sister, I'm just trying to say what's best for you." "Nova you're not my mother you can't tell me shit!" I yelled back.

"We'll have this talk later." Nova said strictly and stormed out my door. I broke down right on the floor. What if she's right? What if I'm not ready I'm only 24 and I don't know a lot about life and how it's going to go. Should I get an abortion? I'm so confused. I don't know anything! I'm never about anything in my life people always make that shots for me. But when this baby is born I'm gonna have to for my child. If my mom can do it so can I... right?

"Right." I heard a voice say to me

Hello people who read this..I'm sorry I haven't updated in like forever maybe even more and I have no excuse why but yeah.... PLEASE FORGIVE ME! I will try to post at least once a week since school is starting and schedules are more busy now so yeah readers please keep reading I love you!

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