His Baby Brother

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          Ages:Thor-15, Loki-13

Tonight was a celebration for the prince of Asgard. Thor had gotten much attention for his victory in battle that he had won so gracefully and fair. The kingdom was amazed with Thor's improvement in swordsmanship.... Except for one...

Loki sat up in his quarters alone just staring out the window, "How long is this party going to last..." Loki groaned in frustration, he honestly just wanted there to be silence so he could sleep off the burning sadness leaving cracks in his already fragile heart, yet sadly his wish didn't come true.

After awhile Thor came to notice his brother was no where to be found. Confused, Thor went to look for his absent brother only to find him curled up near his windowsill, "Brother?" No response, "Loki?" "Go away..." Loki mumbled, "Loki what happened?"

Thor looked around his brother's room only to find a crimson stain on his brother's tunic, "Loki what is this!?" Thor immediately went to Loki's side, "Did you hear me you oaf I said go away, besides don't you have friends to join!" Loki hissed... He almost sounded drunk...

Our Difference is Not Our Hatred (Thor And Loki)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin