Chapter 6: The Decision

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When Hermoine got home, she quickly made some coffee while getting dressed. She found it very difficult to get her clothes on while waving her wand.

She decided to wear her black thight skirt with a light pink blouse that she tucked into it. With a bit of make up and nice pumps, she looked not only stunning, but also elegant.

When she finally was dressed the coffee was way too hot. It would take her a lot of time to cool it naturally, time she couldn't afford.

She waved her wand again to bring it to the right temperature and drank it in one gulp. It was going to be a very ruff day with a lot of stress, so she didn't need the pleasure, just the cafeïne.

She apparated to the Ministry of Magic. Her mind was made up and she would be ready for whatever needed to be done.

'Hi Harry, I'm so sorry that I'm late.' she said while walking past him, 'Come into my office, we can talk there.'

Harry was waiting by the meetingroom, but Hermoine needed a comfortable and familiar space for this conversation.

Harry had to walk a bit faster to keep up with Hermoine. He had no idea why she was like this. 'Hey Hermoine, you're looking good today, and a lot happier than the last... Few years?' he added carefully.

Hermoine looked shocked but regained her composture almost immediatly. 'Yes, but that's a story for another time. Sit down please.'

They had arrived in her office. 'So official?' Harry asked. 'I fear this is not going to be a pleasant conversation.' Hermoine sighed.

'Then I can probably guess what this is about, Ginny already talked to me about it after Christmas. She told me there was a high chance of you asking questions and that I would be sorry if I didn't answered them.'

Hermoine smiled at the thought of her best friend having a fit at her husband only for the sake of them being friends.

'Ginny was right, thank her for me would you? But my problems don't rise above those of the community. I still believe it is very important for us to discuss the matter of the deatheaters before my own problems.'

'You're one heck of a Minister, Hermoine.' they both laughed at Harry's comment. Hermoine could finally find herself at ease.

'So tell me Harry, which deatheaters didn't make Azkaban yet?' 'As far as we know they could be dead Hermoine.'

'Harry don't start on me, we haven't found their bodies, so I want bodies or Azkaban. They killed too many of ours friends to be so easily forgiven. Now tell me, who are we missing?'

'Amycus and Alecto Carrow are the only ones, the rest is dead or in Azkaban. They probably fleed the country though.'

'As if I didn't expected that Harry.' a smile creeped over her face when she took some papers. 'Letter to Macusa, letter to BVT, one to MMM, and a last one to Majikku-sho.' She threw the letters one by one at her desk.

'I have no idea what those organisations are Hermoine, you know that.' Harry replied.

After her usual sigh Hermoine went on 'BVT is the organisation in Africa, bediening van towery als known as Service of Magic, MMM stand for Ministry of Magic and Might, ofcourse it's in Australia, and Majikku-sho is in Japan.'

'And...' Harry started. 'Oh come on Harry, they are the heads of the continents, they send it to the countries and so on. It means the whole world is looking for them.'

'Great, was that what you wanted to tell me?' 'About this subject it is. Now as for the next subject, as head of your department I assume you know very well wich hours your aurors work?'

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