No other choice

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Simon ' s point of view

We were still stuck here in this stupid tower! Jellal command us to rebuild it. He gives us all our needs endless food, more time to sleep and clean clothes but this bot what we want!! We want freedom.

He turned into monster, one day I heard him talking to himself, 'hail Zeref,hail Zeref'  which he didn't do before  and the worse is I saw him kill, yes kill!! Some men who left here in Tower but Milliana and the others don't know it. Sho, Wally and Milliana didn't believe that Erza will do that to us, and of course she can't do that, I know her. She loves them more than herself.

Jellal never stop convincing us that Erza left and escaped, that she is a traitor but later on hatred grows to them, they hated Erza now but me I hate Jellal. He will never get me into his games, I know what his doing. I know how he turned into a monster, why didn't I saw this before?. I was really worried to Erza, what did jellal do to her, if he hurt her ill swear I will kill him even if he has magic!.

I was planning to escape, there is a small canoe I hide it behind the tools were using. We were going to sneak in midnight when Jellal is asleep. I must be very careful, or he will kill us. It was night already, I walk into Milliana ' s room and wake her up, I tell her to follow me and then We come to Sho and Wally ' s room. I close the door and lock it

"Simon, what is it? I need to sleep and hug my kitties" I heard Milliana  and tell her to sit

"Let's go somewhere, we're going to Carnival, we're going to ride ferris wheel and play games all night!" I smile at them, first I have to lie to them so they will go and I will explain to them once we escape here. Wally scratch his head, he is confused, Sho and Milliana hold their hand and jump toghether and laughing

"Sho! We're going to Carnival" Milliana almost yell and look to Sho

"Why don't we invite Jellal? " Sho said, now this is very hard

"If we invite him, he will never allow us to get outside. Do you guys want to go or not?" And they nod, I saw Wally watching me, confused.

"Ssshhhh!! Jellal might hear us, come on let's go" I stand and run they follow me silently, we will go after Erza, I heard her and Grandpa Rob talking about the place called, Dragolia?  Mongolia? I don't know where that is.

We keep silent and move fast, when we reach the small boat Milliana go first and then she helps Sho and then wally. This is it! We will leaving here!! I was about to pish the boat when I feel a presence behind me, I turn around. It was jellal, now we're dead.

"Jellal!! You're awake, Simon invited us to go to Carnival come with us" Oh no, Milliana. I heard jellal laugh and look at me with his cold eyes

"Simon do you know how far is that carnival you're talking about? Get inside! All of you" he calmly said to them and they obey, I see in Sho and Milliana is disappointed, I froze when he grab my arm, he tighten his grip and it's very painful

"Simon ill be watching you, be careful" he whisper and he let go of my arm. He comes near to the boat, he snap his fingers and a magic circle appear under the boat. The boat tear into pieces and like turning to ashes, he smirk at me and walk towards me

"You see that, that will happen if you don't follow me" he laugh, and I glare at him. This is the time I ask her about Erza. He was walking away

"What did you do to her?" he stop and look at me, I want to be brave this time but my body is shaking
"What do you mean.......ohhh her" he laugh and walk towards me

"That traitor? She left you in here and go awa----"

"NO! That is not what happen!, Jellal what happen to you?  You cared so much about her and now you hate her? I know Erza well she will not do that to us" I look straight into his eyes, this is not the jellal I know, he is like possessed or something.

"Oh I see you like her do you" Well yes I like her I don't want her to get hurt,and I feel face is red right now

"Well I hate to say it but, I love Erza and she loves me too I'm sorry but she's mine" he laugh that make me more angry, lie! I know jellal have a feelings for Erza and I don't know if erza like him, he didn't answer my question that time

"You're wrong, Erza hates you now, and I wish she will never come back here because you will only make her suffer and hurt her " I growl at him and he just smirk and walk away

"Don't worry Simon, I'll get her back" my eyes widen, what does he mean by that? I was about to say something but he is gone. He is planning to get erza back, but I won't let him do that I got to stop him

"Erza run, run away don't let him find you" I whisper to the air, praying she will hear it in her dreams

What now? Looks like we're going to stay here for the rest of our lives. I'm willing to die just to free my friends, I promise well get out of here but not now...

I will learn magic and defeat him I will save them

But we have no other choice but to be slave to live............

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