Chapter 24

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Fresh POV

I looked out the window as the doctor came in. He was carrying a mug of coffee when he came in and I just stared at him.

"So, Fresh, I'm here to check on your wounds and to see if we need to adjust anything," The doctor said in a business-like tone that I knew was fake. "I never introduced myself, I'm Dr. Cashmere, nice to meet you," He held out his hand and I shook it. "So I need to check on your wounds, may I?"

"Sure," I said as I turned around, Cashmere undid the ties on my gown and I turned back to him.

"How?" Cashmere muttered softly and I looked at my chest. I had let my power go rogue! It had healed my wounds without my consent! Maybe because of so much magic now going crazy in my body, it didn't need consent. "W-Well your body seems to have healed itself really quickly, y-you can go home today," Cashmere was completely shocked and so was I. I just nodded and put my hospital gown back on. "I'll bring in your clothes and call your brother," Cashmere ran out of the room and I didn't blame him. What was going on with my powers?

Time skip via confusion

Fresh POV still

Cashmere had given me my clothes and I had met Cray in the lobby. 

While we were walking home Cray asked, "Did you use illusions?"

I groaned, "At this point, I wish I did. My power went rogue," Cray just nodded and the rest of the walk home was silent. 

Time skip to Fresh's rage

The moment we opened the door Jetas came flying out. I instantly powered up but they just ignored me and went after Cray. I destroyed a few but the others were already gone, with Cray. I stormed into the house, Jasper and Suave hiding in a corner.

"What happened?" Jasper whispered as they stood up, he was still hanging onto Suave.

"Those darn Jetas took Cray, I'm getting him back," I growled as I stormed upstairs. I sat on my bed and went to talk with Gia. 

"Why do you request me?" Gia's voice rang through the dark plane, and I turned to her with a snarl still on my face.

"I thought you watched over me or something! They took Cray and I need to know where she is!" I shouted, Gia gave me a pitying look which only made me angrier.

"I will allow you to sense her dark power, but she is weak," I cocked my head, what? "When she was trying to actually kill you she sent her real self, which now backfired since you hit her with nearly everything that you had. Your body now knows how to augment your new power into a pure blast that could destroy even me, but it will leave you weak. I can't protect you or the city from the shockwave, but you can with the team," The Gia looked at me with a half pleading look.

"Fine, I'll call them, but can you give me enough to allow me to heal myself?" I was already ready to fight for Cray.

"I will if you survive, you could die doing this," The Gia seemed genuinely worried.

"We'll throw a party if you're determination will stop," A voice came from behind Gia, we turned to see Hades. "I'll try to give you enough of a boost to make sure you don't die, but it all depends on if you have the determination to keep on living."

I nodded, "I won't fail!" The plane faded and I was back in the real world. I sighed and picked up my phone and scrolled down to the emergency contact with Silverion and Lapis. I just clicked it and waited for a response.

Cruel World (NAJ pj x fresh/paperfresh)Where stories live. Discover now