The night he came.

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Timmy is a 8 year old child who is shopping with his mother on October. He saw a display case of the brand-new flex-buttplug, he really wanted to buy it so he can fix his parents' broken marriage. "Mom, can I get the brand new flex-seal buttplug?" Timmy had asked. "No you dumb ass, what are you gonna do with a adhesive.", his mom replied. The shop started to close, and his mom shoved him in the car. "It's almost October, and we need to feed more parasites like you." his mom said. Her mom drove him to the house, running over 2 children in the process that were shouting "FORTAIN IS BES GAM!". This is the second time his mom ran over fortine kids. Timmy went into the house and started playing his favourite game, fourteen. His mom walked into his room to see him playing fountain, the new game."WHEN ARE YOU GONNA GET A JOB LIKE DAD TIMMY" his mom yelled. Timmy ignored his mother, almost always. He stayed up all night playing fourtain. His mom told him to go to sleep, but he didn't listen. His mom smacked him to get him to listen to her, Timmy ignored the slap, he was too into the game that is fortein. It's 5 am, and Timmys mom and dad are wrestling in their room. He thinks "My mom must be losing because she always moans when they wrestle.". His mom and dad are now asleep. Timmy goes to the kitchen to get a cup of bleach. He hears something from the living room, "I SAWED THIS BOAT IN HALF" He walked to the living room to see nothing but a sawed-in-half boat. He continued playing fourteen until the power went out for a strange reason. He saw some red eyes in the dark, something grabbed him and pulled him to a strange looking set. It's him.... Phil Swift. He cuts into Jimmies head and saws his whole body in half. "I SAWED THIS CHILD IN HALF", Phil screamed. Timmy started screaming for his parents but he saw that they were dipped in flex seal and they're dead from lack of oxygen. Phil Swift had made them all into a boat, to show everyone the power of flex tape. The end (Of this part of the story???)

Phil Swift | A semi-serious horror storyWhere stories live. Discover now