prank night Part 2

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klaus and Rachel entered the school going down the hall about to open a door when Elena walks through ,the sight of klaus makes her gasp in fear 

"klaus.. Rachel " 

she tried to run but was stopped by the two hybrids that were now in font of her

"your suppose to be dead what are we going to do about that "

mean while back in the parking lot Stefan starts to wake 

"oh he lives Rachel will be glad of that "

"what happened"

"you took a beating my brother broke your neck several times quite the temper "

"why did he bring us back to mystic falls "

"you can stop playing dumb now it didn't take him long to figure out what you were hiding"

"I'm not hiding anything I have done everything klaus has asked me to "

"No you just failed to mention that the doppelganger is still alive and that his mate has been suffering for the past couple of weeks "

"where is he now "

"with any luck they are making that doppelganger suffer "


"my brother your sister"

Stefan tackle's Rebekah to the ground 

"where is she "he growls 

"you really do love her don't you" she says as she pushes him off her and stands up seeing a crowbar runs for it then puts it though his stomach 

"consider me jealous " she says to Stefan as he passes out 

back inside the school klaus drags Elena though the school with Rachel walking beside him 

"you put a rather large kink in my plans sweetheart the hole point of breaking the the curse and becoming a hybrid was to make more hybrid i haven't been able to do that my bet is it has something to do with the fact that your still breathing" 

"if your going to kill me just do it  "

"not intill we know hes right but lucky for you we know a great way to kill time " Rachels replies 

klaus smiles at his mate then pushes elena into the gym hall but hold the door open for Rachel 

"thank Nik"

"your welcome love"

"atention seiours you have offically been busted prank night is over head on home" he says in an american ascent 

he sees Dana and chad

" I remember you two "Klaus says to them

"I'm sorry who are you "Dana asks

" oh don't worry I wasn't in my right head last time we met lift up your foot please Dana if she drops her foot chad I want you to beat her to death"

"don't Klaus you don't have to hurt anybody " Elena says to him

"Elena he will do what he wants and there is nothing you can do to stop it he is a hybrid after all"

minutes later Dana is struggling to keep her foot up

" keep it up "Klaus says to her as Rachel walks towards him 

" where's Stefan what did u do to him "Elena asks

" he's on a bit of a time out "Rachel and Klaus say at the same time

bonnie and matt enter the room 

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