Chapter 7

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Louis knew James would be with Niall at his house. The tormentor wasn’t all that creative and really, where was a 24 year old supposed to hide a teen pop sensation but the secrecy of his own home. Harry’s house was quite far from James’ but thankfully Louis had two twenty dollar bills in his pant pocket from when James made him role play as a prostitute.

So, when Louis was at least 6 blocks away from Harry’s flat he flagged a cab from the side of the road and quickly told him the direction to James house. He never dared call it his own house, because the way he felt in that home was not how someone should feel in their own house. They should feel safe and secure not like they have to watch their backs every time they turned a corner.

When the driver pulled up at the broken down house Louis threw the money at the man and ran out the door, he didn’t want to give James any more time to torture Niall than he could prevent. Of course, he still had to be sneaky about it so when he reached the front of the house he slowly walked up the stairs and pushed the door open which let out a loose high screeching sound. Louis remember telling James to get it fixed but when he did he got thrown to the floor with a dark warning about not giving orders, but it was  obviously far more spine-chilling.

Although the screeching door had echoed throughout the whole house, no one had greeted Louis when he entered. Trust me though, he was not complaining.

Louis cautiously walked toward the basement being as quiet and quick as he possibly could, the door was slightly ajar when he got there, but he thought nothing of it. Walking down the stairs he turned his head to the left and saw Niall tied to a chair unconscious with a dark purple bruise covering the side of his face.

Louis quickly ran to Niall and began to untie the tight ropes that bound his wrists together behind his back. The knot was almost untied when Louis felt a firm grasp on his shoulder, “Louis what the hell are you doing here?”

Spinning around quickly Louis was shocked to find Harry standing behind him a worried expression covering his face, “H-Harry, how did you get here so quickly?”

Harry opened his mouth to reply but was cut off by someone’s voice coming from the top of the stairs, “Yes Harry, please tell us how you managed to trace my first call back to this location?”

Harry pushed Louis behind him and put his fists in front of himself, “how did you know I was going to do that?”

James laughed and took a step towards Harry ruffling his curls, “You don’t really think I would kidnap a pop sensation without a plan did you?”

Harry swatted the hands from his head away and scowled at the man ahead of him, “In fact, my dear Harry, Louis coming here just unraveled the next step to my, oh so devious plan.”

Harry felt Louis bunch up the back of his shirt with his fists as he whispered, “I’m so sorry Harry, I can never do anything right.” Harry knew he couldn’t reply to the guilty feeling adult behind him for if he did James would surely think they were up to something and would try to speed up his ‘smart’ plan.

He also knew that if he didn’t do something Louis guilt would eat away at him and he wouldn’t be able to think properly, so as a sign of reassurement Harry put his hand behind his back and took one of Louis clenched fists into his hand and rubbed it gently. He felt them loosen and he refocused his attention on the man in front of him instead, “What are you planning on doing to us?”

“Harry, why do you use the word us as if I’m planning on keeping all of you, haven’t you realised yet the only one I want is Louis?”  

Before Harry could respond Niall let out a groan from the chair beside them but his head once again lolled to the side and he was out cold.  Harry’s glare softened from the sight of his unconscious blonde band mate but once he realised why he was here his face hardened and he turned sharply to glare at James, “Why can’t you just leave Louis alone, it’s not like you loved him in the first place!”

James smirk flattened and his eyes darkened, “You are correct there Harry, I don’t love Louis. In fact, I might even hate him. But look at it from my perspective, you don’t love your toilet, but you know for a fact that you couldn’t live without it.”

“Well James let’s look at it from my perspective, you may not love your toilet but it would be downright crazy to beat it because once you break a toilet someone’s gotta pick up the pieces and put it back together and you’re left to shit outside.” James scowled at Harry and his fists tightened.

“Oh yeah and one more thing,” Harry took a deep breath and closed his eyes, “I’m picking up the pieces.”

Harry’s eyes snapped open and he kicked James in the chest causing him to tumble back into the table. When James picked himself up from the floor he took a small timer out of his pocket, “I know I can’t take you Styles, not when theirs three of you, but if I can’t have Louis then no one can.”

James smiled his signature smirk and threw the timer at Harry, “Good luck, you have a minute to get out of here before the whole place explodes and you...Well I’m sure you know what happens if you don’t get out in time.”

Harry instantly flew to Niall trying to get the last knot undone but his veins were trembling with adrenaline and he was having difficulty getting it loose. With a hard tug the rope ripped apart and Niall slumped forward.

Harry picked the blonde up and threw him over his shoulder and called to Louis, “Louis grab the timer!”

Louis quickly scrambled to collect the timer and ran up the stairs behind Harry who was going as fast as he could with Niall slung over his shoulder. Running down the hallway Louis checked the timer again, “Harry we have twenty seconds!”

Harry saw the door and reached for the knob swinging it open quickly and running out onto the road, “Louis, we made it!” Harry looked behind him expecting to be greeted by a soothing hug from his hopefully future boyfriend but was greeted by a blank field of grass in front of a wooden house.

“L-Louis?” Harry yelled, hoping maybe he was playing a nice game of hide n’ seek to lighten the mood. But when he received no answer he was about to run inside when the house let out a load bang and it erupted into flames. He looked at Niall on the ground and started to cry.


Hey guys, as you can see I have finished up this unsatisfying chapter of YOAM which I'm totally thinking of redoing... But hopefully for you it was worth the horrible and never ending wait you had to endure. Don't worry, I will obviously be doing another chapter or two, cause I know you guys would rip my throat out if I didn't patch things up! Of course, I still love you guys to the moon and back and I hope you have forgiven me for the wait. Bye, Larry. ~ 

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