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I dropped my phone as I let out a horrified scream I scrambled to pick up my phone and turned on the flashlight. My hands trembled as I struggled to hold my phone while looking around my room. I saw something move from the corner of my eye I quickly pointed the flashlight there but there was nothing. Suddenly I feel an arm snake around my waist and another cover my mouth as I let out another scream.

"Salve Reginae" I hear a deep voice whisper in my ear as I feel my heart pounding against my chest from pure fear. The lights come back on, but I don't dare move I'm too terrified just thinking of what the person holding me can do if I move. I feel the stranger nuzzle their nose into the crook of my neck as I try not to move.

"I can smell your fear dear it's intoxicating.." He whispered as I felt his tongue run up my pulse point. I braced myself as I felt shocks of electricity run through me when his tongue came in contact with my skin. I panicked when I felt his arm that was on my waist run up my stomach all the way to my neck before it gripped it in a gentle yet firm hold. My eyes widened as I was turned around only to be met with pure black eyes and extremely handsome features.

"Why have you summoned me mortal?" He asked and I was shocked because I had no idea what he was talking about. Summoned him? My eyes widened as I remembered the passage I read from the book at the magic shop. I didn't think any of the books could actually do anything I thought they were just full of lies made up over the centuries by people.

"Pl-ease let me go I didn't s-summon you it was a mistake please!" I stuttered as I felt chills going down my spine from how intense his stare was it was as if he was trying to decipher every thought I was having. I couldn't help the tears that escaped my eyes as I thought this would be the end of the line for me. I felt his hand let go of my neck and cup my face in such a gentle way that more tears escaped my eyes. He ran the pad of his thumb along my cheek wiping away some of my tears.

"Why are you crying princess? Have I hurt you?" The tone in his voice was so gentle like a warm summer breeze. I didn't expect a demon that I summoned to be worried about why I was crying it was so bizarre and I couldn't form words because I had no idea how to respond to him. I decided the best option would be to step away from him and make a run for it before he decided to kill me. I dashed for the door but before I reached it, it slammed shut when I turned the knob the door wouldn't open.

"Where do you think you're going sweetheart? Was that all an act so I would let you escape? Tch you underestimate me mortal." His voice boomed and echoed off the walls as I turned around and fell to the floor holding my knees against my chest as sobs wracked my body from the intense fear. I didn't know what he wanted I just wished he would vanish and this was all some messed up nightmare.

He walked closer to me and crouched down in front of me "Why do you act all brave one second but fearful the next hmm? You were the one who summoned me here and offered yourself up to me you belong to me now." His eyes held a glint of mischief in them as if he was taunting me with his words. I shook my head at him "I'm not yours I told you it was a mistake" I said my voice cracking from the sobs. Suddenly he started laughing as if what I told him was the most hilarious thing in the world and not even a second later he had a serious look on his face as he glared at me.

"My dear it is impossible to summon me unless you crave it from the bottom of your heart. The words you spoke aren't just a spell they are a confession of your devotion and love to me. Only those who truly devote themselves to me can summon me." He said in a calm tone I was baffled by his words I had never been devoted to him I didn't even know him before I opened that book it was ridiculous that he would think that I was devoted to him. "I had never heard of you before I opened that book there's no way I am devoted to you if I don't even know you how could I have summoned you?" He frowned at my words his eyebrows creasing as he seemed to analyze what I just told him.

"You can't deceive me mortal the spell only works if you are devoted and I have many names not just the one you saw in the book. Either way you are the person who summoned me and you shall take responsibility for your actions you will obey me because you are mine now and I am not going anywhere." His tone was serious and left no room for arguing. He stood up and offered me his hand to get up. I refuse to take his hand and stood up by myself as I realized that I was in just my towel this whole time. I blushed a deep scarlet as I tried side stepping him to grab some clothes. Before I could get far he wrapped his arms around my waist lifting me up as I let out a squeal before he threw me onto my bed my towel almost coming off.

"Where do you think you're going? You need to please me. Now." 


Translations: Salve Reginae- Hello Princess.

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