Chapter 1:Troublesome

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It was the most epic fight of them all with Slade,Dr.Light,and the Hive. The Titans:Robin,Starfire,Beastboy,Raven,and Cyborg we're fighting them off,they were all scratched up and damaged. Starfire and Raven were in the air blasting Dr.Light from the sky but they were blinded by his lights.

"Starfire! Go left! I'll go right!"

Starfire nodded at raven as she went left to corner him as Raven went to the right,as they were shooting him in the air,Robin was focusing on finding Slade while BeastBoy and Cyborg were fighting the hive.

" Where are u Slade show yourself!"

Robin walked around looking for him. Starfire looked at robin and saw someone behind Robin,it was Jinx. Starfire shot her beams at Jinx flinging her to the wall,Robin looked up at her and smiled softly. "Thanks Starfire!" He throws his staff at Dr.Light making him fall to the ground but raven catches him. "Got him! Heading to the Jail as we speak Robin" Raven said as she goes to the prison.

"Alright! Beastboy Cyborg,how are u guys holding up?"

Robin called as Cyborg picked up "fine over here,we're taking them to the prison right now" Cyborg said while BeastBoy had them in his teeth while in a bear. It was only Robin and Starfire.

Starfire went to Robin and walked with him,she had a crush on him since they first met,after their "lip contact",while they were walking they didn't make eye contact because Robin was looking around the area for Slade AKA Death Stroke

"Um..Robin?" She said looking at him worried

"Yeah Star?" He looked at her with a confused look on his face.

Before she could say anything Slade launched at them but Robin pushed Starfire out the way making Slade miss but ripped Robin's cape till it was short. Robin and Starfire rolled on the ground till Robin was on top of Starfire,as Robin pushed himself up he looked at Starfire as she looked back.

Robin's heart was beating fast in a minute,he breathed in and out trying to get to his normal heart rate. Starfire was blushing too but Robin got up anyways and grabs her hand and pulled her up as they dusted themselves off.

"Are you the okay Robin?" She said seeing his cape ripped

"Im fine Star,are u Alright?" Robin said as he held her hands softly "I dont want u to be hurt Starfire...i get worried.."

Starfire looked at him and blushes pink,She saw Slade behind him He
Shot fire but Starfire pulled Robin up in the air, Robin looked down and saw Slade and gave him a mad look as Star hid him and her behind the Building to discuss a plan

"We should be safe for now...but we have to think of a Plan Starfire.." Robin looked at Starfire as there were tears in her eyes,shaking as her hands are clenched as fist. "Starfire...whats wrong?" He said about to touch her waiting for Star to let him..Starfire let's him as he put his hands on her shoulders,and she looks at him.

"I am the Worried Robin...what if this doesn't work out? What if I mess this up? And what if u get injured?..." she said as she crys softly...she felt Robin's arms wrap around her as Robin caresses her head softly...

"Im here for u Starfire....Always..." he said as He Hugged her...Starfire froze for a moment then puts her arms around him as she buries her face in his chest and crys softly. He rubs her head gently and smiles softly and wipes her tears.

"Robin?...thank u.." she said as she grips his shirt softly,She felt calm now while being in Robin's arms..after that,they let go as the building they were behind exploded seeing Slade in the air. Robin grabbed Starfire's hand as She flies in the air but gets shot down as they landed on a building top,Robin stoodup withher as they look around for Slade but then get eye contact on each other. Robin holds her hand softly and grins a little..making Star Smile,Slade was behind them as they turned around. "Very touching robin but u two wont be able to see it"

Robin ran to the edge of the building as he had Star's hand. They Jumped as he grabbed his grapple and shot it to the next one,he held Star by her waist as they went up. They were out of breath and tired at the moment but they made it....from across Slade had a shot gun and aimed it at Robin,Starfire saw abd gasped at what she saw.


Slade shot....the bullet went to Robin but it hit Starfire in her stomach since She pushed robin out the way...Robin couldn't believe his eyes..her body fell back but Robin catched her...tears fell from his eyes as it started to rain,Starfire wasnt moving at all as her Blood was in his hands...he bowed his head down as he shaked.


To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2018 ⏰

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