The Nightmare

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  Superman's POV 

"Superman," someone whispered shouted while softly knocking on the door to my bedroom.

Oh, who's knocking on my door?It's...two in the morning! Who could be awake so early?

"Clark," the voice repeated.

Oh well, might as well answer the door and see who has awoken; it's not like I have to sleep or anything.
I walked slowly to the door and who I saw behind it was beyond me.

"Brainy!?" I asked in amazement.
"Clark!" he exclaimed tackling me in a hug.

Brainiac 5 and I had been in relationship for three years now and I was really digging over the idea of marrying each other when we were older.

"Clark, thank goodness you're okay," Brainy sobbed while hugging me.
"Shhh, it's okay," I hushed him, "What happened Brainy?" I asked quietly.
"I-I had a n-nightmare, and I was there and you were there, and...and," He sobbed.
"Shhh, it's okay,I'm're okay," I comforted him and kissed him in the temple.

We stayed like that for a while. I was comforting him and whispering sweet little nothings into his ears, meanwhile he was bawling and occasionally calling my name to reassure himself I was okay.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked him once he was a little calmer.
"O-ok," he stuttered.
"It started with us in being in a date in the park..."he started
"Go on,"I encouraged.
"Then a storm came and after appeared the F-fatal Five leadered by B-brainiac, and all the other B-brainiacs after him too a-and..."
"It's okay, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to," I told him and massaged him.
"No, I want to... I need to tell someone," he started "A-and,I would prefer that someone to be you," He continued looking with loving eyes towards me.

That look...It's the same look he gave me the first time we kissed and ever since. I love him so much, and I hate seeing him suffer like this. For his sake I have to be there for him, through good and bad times, no matter what. (Gosh, that's really cheesy).

"Okay then, continue," I said after a moment.
"You were fighting them off and I just s-stood f-frozen..." Brainy said silently.
"Continue," I said, an uneasy feeling creeping unto my stomach.
"Then you started losing to them and the Brainiacs told me to join them or you would lose your life, I refused and then..." He murmured,silent tears streaming down his face.
"Shhh, it's okay, I hushed him once more.

He wiped his tears once more and proceeded with telling me the nighterror, while I hugged him.

"They gave one more chance, but I refused once again, and then they...grabbed you by the collar, and they killed you in front of my eyes,I was powerless to help..." He went on, tears again in his eyes. "They were ripping your body apart, until they ripped your heart out of your skull..."

I didn't dare stop him because I felt there was more to it.

"I screamed your name, just hoping you were going to revive out of the blue, but you didn't... Then they grabbed me by the collar and started choking me, and then I heard my mother, Brainiac 4, saying that I should have joined them, that maybe they would have been merciful, and that I wouldn't be traitor, until everything turned black and I woke up," He finished full on crying now.
"Hey, hey it's okay, you're okay, I'm okay, and the evil Brainiacs aren't here, and they won't come," I comforted him, "And if they come nothing of what you dreamed will happen, and you know why?" I continued.
"N-no," He responded a little calmer than before.
"Because I love you and I won't let that happen, never and beyond," I answered confidently.

He smiled a little at my statement and brushed off his tears. I went closer to him by instinct and he did the same until our lips brushed together and we were both enveloped in a passionate kiss, he was the less dominant while I was dominating him with everything I had. We stopped once we were out of air.

"Wow," I said in surprise, "That felt...amazing," he said at last.
"Yeah I thought the same," I admitted.
"We should go back to bed," I said looking at clock.
"Okay, but Clark?" He said shyly.
"Yes?" I said lovingly.
"Can I stay with you? I am scared to sleep on my own," He said giving me a puppy eye look.
"Of course you can, Brainy," I said lovingly.

We got into the bed and I let Brainy cuddle up on top of me, using me as a sort of pillow and I wrapped my arms both lovingly and protectively around him.

"Clark?"He asked in the darkness.
"Yes?" I answered.
"I love you,"He said sleepily before falling into a peaceful sleep.
"I love you too,Brainy," I chuckled sleepily before I also fell into a restful sleep.

Hey guys, I am back and with a new story. This my second story published you guys have been really supportive,thank you all. You guys know I take requests for new stories, so don't be afraid to ask in the comments bellow;no one will judge you! This my first attempt at a one-shot, so I hope . I hope you like it,people.  Please comment if you liked it, (It's optional of course). That's all for now folks.😊  

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