Partners In Crime

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"Have a good day sweetie. Remember daddy and I are taking you to the cinema later on tonight." My mother states as she dabs her gloved thumb on her tongue wiping my face.

I looked down and fiddled with my fingers. "Yes ma."I spoke softly.

She sighed and her facial expression softened. "Look at me baby." She said. My head slowly rose to look into her soft eyes. "I know it's hard to make friends these days. But can you at least try to? I'll tell you what? If you make at least one new friend today we'll bring em' with us tonight. How's that sound?"

I smile a bit. "That sounds fun. See ya later ma." I say opening the door and getting out the car.

"Oh dear one more thing!" My mom shouts from the window. "I won't be able to pick you up today so you have to walk home. Ok?"

"Yes ma." I say as the bell rings. I rush off to class trying not to be as late as I already am.

Once I get inside the whole room is quiet and staring at me. Some girls giggle in the back as the teacher looks at me.

"Ms. L/N" The teacher says catching my full attention. "You're late again. I have to send a note home today." She states.

"Yes ma'am." I say quietly.

"See me after class." She says.

I quickly walk to my seat as she turns around facing the board continuing class. As I walked down my aisle I spotted Courtney Crimson laughing silently looking at me. I was confused as to why. When I finally reached her she stuck out her foot and tripped me.

I shrieked as I fell onto the ground. The whole class erupted into laughter except for one boy with big blue eyes and curly brown hair.

The teacher turned around and gasped seeing me on the floor. "What happened?" She asked.

I looked at Courtney who was glaring daggers at me. "I-I tripped. I'm sorry." I said.

"Very well then. Proceed to your seat." She said.

I sighed getting up brushing off my dress and headed to my seat. Sidney, her friend, pushed my back causing me to stumble forward a bit. Tears welled in my eyes as I sat down.

The boy next to me passed me a note.

'Hey doll, you ok?', It read.

I scribbled something back.

'Yes, I'm ok thanks.'

I slid the note back to him. He read it and smiled at me. My heart melted a bit.

The moment ended when a paper ball came hurling toward my face. I looked forward and saw Daisy, another friend of Courtney's, giggling.

I sighed putting my head in my hands.

This is going to be a long, long day.
After school I was walking home, books in hand. Then I felt someone's hands squeeze on my shoulder and pull me down. My head hit the concrete as I landed. A sharp pain flew through my skull and my shoulders were pulsing from the grip. I look up to see Courtney, Sidney, and Daisy all laughing at me.

Then Daisy stomped on my face causing the world to lose sound and go blurry putting me in a daze. I tried getting up to fight back as my world was spinning in circles. They pushed me back down and laughed.

Daisy and Sidney pulled me up as Courtney cracked her knuckles walking toward me. She started hitting me left and right. My weak little body started getting numb and limp.

Then a miracle happened.

"Hey! Leave her alone!" We heard a voice say. All of our attention went behind Courtney to see the boy from school with blue eyes and curly brown hair.

𝘾𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙖𝙞𝙣 𝘼𝙢𝙚𝙧𝙞𝙘𝙖 ❤︎ (Bucky Barnes x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now