One: I Have Big Dreams, Baby!

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I looked myself over in the mirror, wearing my new work uniform. Uniform is probably a strong word for it considering I had on pink undergarments and some roller skates. The place was degrading. Just the name alone, BooBies, made me question if I was mentally insane during my time of application. I sighed and reminded myself that a job is a job.

"Hey, newbie! Come on, you've got tables ready!" another employee yelled in my direction.

" Coming!" I turned in the mirror and took one last look at my final shread of dignity before it disappeared and I skated out into the main lobby of the restaurant.

The place was packed with men. Some alien, some human, but all perverted. You could tell; why else would they be there? I made a little face before starting my round of taking orders.

Everytime the words "Welcome to BooBies!" left my mouth, I felt myself die a little inside. Of course, as a waitress, I wasn't able to show it. My smile was spread from ear to ear, which surely startled some of the customers.

After serving a man his order, I felt a firm hand grab my butt and froze up completely, letting out a sound of fear and surprise. "Mighty fine behind, miss. Would you mind if I-" the sleazy older guy started, but was soon interrupted by a cool, smooth voice.

"Come on, now, that's not cool. You can't disrespect the ladies." I turned to look, free from the man's grip, and saw someone I hadn't thought of in years.


My eyes stayed completely focused on him, and he stared back with confusion. I knew I looked surprised, maybe even horrified. " alright, babe?" Dandy asked, seeming uneasy. Since my last meeting with him, I had cut off my lengthy curls, discovered a beautiful device called a straightening iron, and dyed my hair a light orange. Oh, and aged about seven years. Surely, he didn't know who I was. Dandy had changed quite a bit himself. I couldn't take my eyes off of his ridiculous pompadour and that smug face. Yet he still had that confident undertone to everything he said.

I cleared my throat and replied. "I'm fine, thanks..."

Dandy grinned a little. "Good. Don't let 'em mistreat you." And he surprised me even further. Though he seemed to be nothing more than a cocky jerk with slick hair, he wasn't as despicable as he seemed . While he did love himself more than anything(and he seemed to love women quite a bit), he had some respect for other people that maybe some here didn't have. Perhaps he hadn't completely changed.

Dandy turned and went back to his table, which also seated a cat looking thing and a...vacuum cleaner. This wasn't exactly the posse I'd expect him to choose for his intergalactic journey, but he seemed to be doing just fine. I watched the three of them chat for a moment before smiling to myself and going to serve my next table.

Following Your Heart is the Only Way, Baby! (Space★Dandy)Where stories live. Discover now