J.JK|| Bad Boy

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• Jungkook and his gang bts were the bad boys in Bangtan high. You would try your best to stay away from them because they target people who get in their way.

•your encounter with jungkook was quite weird.At recess you went in the classroom to get your notebook but heard someone singing. You snuck your head out and checked who it was and to your surprise , jungkook.

• you couldn't imagine how a bad boy could sing like an angel sent from heaven. You were about to leave when your ballpen fell causing the angelic voice to stop and footsteps could be heard.

•You ran away but he still saw you. In the classroom he passed by you and dropped a crumpled paper while not looking at you. It said if you told anyone and you looked at him and shook your head as a no.

•Then you asked him to be friends and he said yes. You and him start to hangout more often and you have grown feelings for each other. He asked you out and you said yes. He said that we should go on a date.

•i gladly accepted but he would make me cut class more than often so i asked him to lessen it and he agreed

•He would make you wear all black , bad ass style with him and anyone who flirts with you will get a beating from him.

•one time a guy approached you and asked for your number but he got a Hospital Note instead and got bruises.

•every time jungkook fights you were always there to stop him and thats what he loved about you.

• You would always send him to the infirmary because he always had fights and you tried to talk him out of it.

•you would calm him down by reaching for his balled fist and rub them and it would slowly open . After that you would hug him and say it was his last fight.

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