To Everybody that has read this story.

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Hey guys, wow I haven't been on this account in forever! 607 reads! Wow! I know that sounds low but for someone who could never get 1 read that's AMAZING! Sorry and this is mainly for people who actually care about my story 'Dear Harry' but the point of this message is I will be rewriting that story on my new account • carllymae14

I also write a Fred Weasley fan-fic (He Called It Love (Fred Weasley)) I guess on that account so please feel free to check that out too. I will probably write mainly in that story until I get to a point where I'm more comfortable with it until I start re-writing, editing, and uploading Dear Harry. I guess for now if you don't really like Harry Potter and stuff then my Fred Weasley in that story could be your Harry Styles.

I know you guys have waiting so long for an update and this probably wasn't exactly what you were expecting either, but please just wait a little bit longer maybe? And please feel free to message me on my new account @carllymae14 and ask any questions. Thanks to everybody and I love y'all. -haroldhippie :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2014 ⏰

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