Battle Bam!!!

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Ghosty's POV: Well every other elemental master thought we wanted all the power for ourselves. But Joy the master of Amber said she would help us. DA MAN said the next battle would be between me and Electron. I couldn't battle my best friend. So he blasted his lightning at me and I blasted my fire at him. And we knocked ourselves both out. So it was a draw. And me and Electron were both rushed to the hospital. You are probably wondering how I know this when I was knocked out. Well Ivy told me everything after we came back to the tournament.

Tsunami's POV: The next battle was between me and Ivy. DA MAN did not want this to be another draw. So he forced Ivy to be in her super form. So she could defeat me. So she shot some grass spikes at me. But I dodged them. I turned into a aqua monster and I "ate" Ivy. Then I turned into my normal self and I choked her. And when she turned blue I started to loosen my grip on her throat. That gave her an advantage to kick me in the nuts. And she did. And I lurched back. She used her vines to get to the top of the mountain. But I stopped her with my water trident by cutting down the vines. And she fell. I used my ice tower move up the mountain. But she used her vines again. And we both got our hands on the crystal. And it was another draw. DA MAN was so mad that he ripped his robe apart. But there was nothing he could do about it.

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