The Demons Know

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The young girl stands on Thomas street, where the sidewalk breaks into a dark alley. This was the place she needed to go. The girl continued to walk down the cobblestone road, scared out of her wits yet somehow relieved that soon it would be over. She squinted forward to see if there was anyone in the distance, as there should be, but saw no one. Maybe she was wrong. Maybe it wasn't tonight, or maybe she went down the wrong alley. She started walking back, and then running. Running as fast as she could. Maybe she didn't want to do this. Maybe this was all a mistake-

A cold hand touched her shoulder, then pulling it back so she couldn't run any farther. She started to scream but the remembered that it was probably him. All doubt that she had before fluttered away in the cool fall breeze. This is what she was going to do.

"Run away so fast? I thought you wanted to be here." The deep voice half laughed and then pulled me so I was facing him. I looked to my shoes, old and torn.

"I'm here to make a deal." I swallow

"I got that. Why so nervous? Why don't you look up?" he nudged my chin with his hand so I was forced to lift it and look into his eyes. They were a blood red and shot chills through my whole body, "Now, isn't that easier? What do you want to get and then we'll talk prices."

"I want to die, quickly and painlessly. I bet you get these all the time but I just want to end my life here before I mess it up more. And before I hurt more people.

"I don't quite think I can do that, or that I want to do that. Add I say that's rare for a crossroad demon as myself."

"Why? I'm nothing. Just a normal girl who wants to get out." The girl sighs

"You're name is Kristie Dewis. You are 14 years old. Do you know what Dewis means?" the demon asked

To be honest, the girl didn't even know hoe he knew her information at all. But she shook her head and listened if he would give an answer.

"It means chosen. You are the chosen one that all of hell talks about. We haven't had one of those since, well since the Winchesters. You are needed downstairs for something big, but we can't send you down there early.

"Why not?" Kristie burst, "Why can't I just die. I don't want to be part of this big thing in Hell I want to die."

"You can't yet. That's the final word!" The man was shouting now, but nobody came to investigate what was going on. Perhaps they couldn't hear him because he was a supernatural being, or maybe this whole thing was just an hallucination. She must be going crazy.

"At least tell me why Hell would want a girl like me and if you can answer, I'll stop this argument. If not, I'll keep fighting."

His voice lowered into a whisper "You may be struggling now, and you may have scars down your legs and arms, but you will always get better. So even though I explained to you that you are not a forever broken girl, you should keep fighting. You should always keep fighting until you are back on your feet and ready to lead an army. Until then, goodbye, my friend."

She blinked and he was gone. The young girl turned her head to see the flash of headlights passing by the alley. She followed it until she was in the open, and it allowed her to take a deep breath of cold air. Maybe her life would be better, if she let it. And with that, the Chosen walked home.

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