fifteen || peregrination

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 [ Haha, more jumping around this chapter! Seems like it's the only thing I know how to do, right? Enjoy! ]  

peregrination : travel from one place to another

Between her duties as a paramedic, games and training with the Utah Royals, and being selected as the starting goalkeeper for the 2019 FIFA Women's World Cup in a month, Georgia was never home. The firehouse had been able to schedule her full time hours for the days she was in town, so she had been soccer player by day, paramedic by night. It meant working twelve hour shifts Monday through Thursday, most of them through the dreary hours of the night. She had also been in and out of camps with the US Women's National Team to prepare for their biggest tournament for a while until the She Believes Cup next March, as well as playing with Utah Royals FC before the World Cup break in a month. They still had about four or five games before the break.

"Hey sorry I'm late. I had a call run into the end of my shift." Georgia apologized as she laced up her cleats on the sidelines. She was only twenty minutes late out of the two to two and a half hour training session to go through plays and working on set pieces as well as going through position training. She had only been late three other times so far this season, but only a matter of mere minutes.

"Not a problem, GJ. I knew you have a shift this morning. You're out saving lives, no need to be sorry for that." Coach Harvey said with a smile.

"Any cool stories to tell us today?" Kelley asked, and she laughed.

"There's always one or two. It's the graveyard shift, basically. I haven't been home since around midnight and worked until noon." She answered. "We had a call come in at quarter to twelve, it was across the region, so it was about a ten to fifteen minute drive to get there. This guy decided to stab his roommate in the chest with a kitchen knife. Turns out, the guy just hit his heart, so the knife was beating in his chest when we got there." She explained, and everyone got a little squeamish. It was funny, though, because now she was so used to seeing and talking about the horrors she sees, it was not disgusting to her anymore.

"Did the guy make it?" Abby asked as they started to take the field to continue with plays.

"Yeah. He's having an aortic repair. He's probably still in surgery." She responded with a sigh. "How can people be so cruel?" She asked aloud.

"Because they are jealous at what the world has to offer." Becky interpreted, and they all looked at her.

"I was going to say something because they're crazy, but, that sounds better I guess." Kelley stated with a shrug, the group of them laughing.

"Double life of Georgia Jacobson. You know they're going to want another Lifetime interview with you once someone catches wind of this." Abby informed, and Georgia just shrugged.

"That's why we're not going to even bring it up outside the training grounds, right?" She reminded, and they all nodded.

"I still think it's pretty cool what you're doing, GJ. We're all super proud of you." Becky said respectfully, making her smile.

"I truly enjoy it. Figured since I didn't get to go to college for what I wanted to do, might as well do something close to it." Georgia explained with a shrug.

"Well as long as you're enjoying it, you do you." Abby piped up, and they started laughing again.

"Kind of nice to have our own paramedic on the team." Kelley joked, Georgia snorting at the comment. The group of them had to focus now, because they switched from offensive plays at the fifty to defending corner kicks and set pieces.

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