The N7

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Writers Note: This work was written quite a while ago and it was written in MS Word. I apologize now for the formatting as it doesn't transfer over and this is definitely copy and past. Thanks for reading I hope you enjoy it.

Isaiah woke up in his tiny bachelor apartment on the Citadel and looked at the small holographic clock on his end table. It was already three in the afternoon, he had finally gotten to bed at around six in the morning having been out all night at the bar. He and a group of people he would casually refer to as friends spent the night and most of the morning "dusting up" in Purgatory.

Isaiah was already a fairly gifted biotic having spent some time in the Alliance Navy and at the Grissom Academy when he was younger. He fell into a bad crowd while in the navy and never actually made it onto a space fairing ship. His superiors described him as gifted but severely uninterested, this resulted in his discharge. He moved from San Francisco back to parents' home on the Lunar Colony. Isaiah's father was extremely disappointed in his discharge making it almost impossible to co-exist peacefully and it wasn't long before he found himself on an Alliance freighter to the Citadel. He had been given a decent sized severance allowing him to afford to get set up and live in limited comfort on the Citadel's Bachjret Ward. The neighborhood he lived in was kind of run down but the price was right and it served its purpose. A place for him to rest his head in quiet after a night out with his friends.

Isaiah sat up and as he did he regretted moving so quickly. The blood rushing from his head made him dizzy; he quickly laid back in his bed again and waited for the room to stop spinning. He sat up again this time moving slowly to not trigger any of the side effects. The biotic amps that had been installed while he was at the Grissom Academy didn't react well to the red sand and he knew he would probably feel drained for the rest of the day. Red sand wasn't something he did every day, he only liked to do it on weekends for the most part and Friday nights were the nights things got heavy with his friends. Most of them were biotics as well some more gifted than others but none of them had any official training or amplifiers. Isaiah stood up slowly off the bed and walked over to the coffee maker that sat on his kitchenette counter. He poured himself a cup of coffee and took a sip realizing as it touched his tongue that it was probably sitting for a day or two. He drank it anyway not really wanting to get another pot started and have to wait. As he sat the cup down on the counter again his omni-tool activated. He raised his arm and used the virtual keyboard to answer the call. The holo-viewer opened and his Asari friend, Jedora appeared.

"Hey we're getting together up on the Presidium, at Apollo's Café are you coming?" she asked. Isaiah thought for a moment. The presidium was expensive, and they had other options.

"I don't really feel like paying for that. Can't we go to that little place on Zakera Ward?" he asked. He took another drink of his coffee and made a disgruntled face, it was starting to taste worse.

"I don't know how that guy stays in business down there. He serves bottom of the barrel human food. I mean isn't that what ramen is? Just meet us there, I'll pay." Isaiah shrugged his shoulders and dumped his coffee down the drain.

"Whatever you say." Jedora was one of his only close friends it wasn't often that he said no to her. Being immune to the effects of the Red Sand often made her his guard when they were out partying. They had even exchanged memories from time to time something that was certainly a strange experience for Isaiah. A common practise for the Asari, they would share with close friends or people they respected. She could be a bit wild at times because she was fresh into her maiden age at the ripe age of one hundred years. Sometimes they'd be a great pairing other times they were at one another's throats.

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