petty princess

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"My manager said five, therefore, we will begin at five." I snap at the producer. He walks away in anger as I sit myself down on a small bench behind the curtains of the photo shoot. I start rethinking my life choices and then shaking my head and acting like I'm fine. When I'm not.

"Emma, hair and makeup need you!" My manager calls from the other side of the stage. I carefully walk towards her in my ten inch Gucci heels, and step into the dressing room. "This better be good pay, Lisa." I roll my eyes at her. As if she couldn't have found an easier producer to work with maybe I would be one good place right now. Because I'm not.

"Good money, Emma." She reassures me as I step out and back onto the stage where multiple cameras are set up. I sit on the lilac bed rest, positioned in front of the cameras and strike my iconic pose, before snapping me wrist in the process.

I let out a scream. The pain winced throughout my body. "Get the doctor!" I hear from around me. This may seem over-the-top to you, but being a model isn't easy. You cannot break a bone, because you are the star of the magazine or performance roll you play. And if you do, YOU pay for the costs.

Please don't be broken.

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