Chapter 3

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I finished picking up my books and placed them into my Vera Bradley backpack.

Yeah, I know what your thinking. How? 

I used to get made fun of just because I didn't wear name brand so one summer, the summer in between 8th and 9th grade  I got a job at the amusement park down the street and while I was doing that other teenagers were out partying and on dates.

I waited for Shawn outside of the classroom and 10 minutes later when he didn't show up I gave in and just sat at the water fountain in front of the school and began writing song lyrics in my writing journal. my teaher gives me extra credit in the ELA course because i apparently am the  next  new singer. She saw me once and ever since then she has been giving me extra points.

I felt a tap on my shoulder it caught me of guard so I dropped my journal in the freaking fountain....ugh

It was Cameron. Wait what? did shawn set me up? that shit head.

"what's that?" Cameron said while snickering

He lifted up my journal and started to read aloud.

" I love it when you just don't care

I love it when you dance like theres no body there so when it gets hard don't be afraid we don't care what them people say" he looked at me and laughed.

Shawn walked out of the school with his hand wrapped around Ellie's shoulder. Ellie is Cameron's girlfriend and honestly she deserves better. She is soooo pretty and don't get me wrong Cameron is hot but- what the fuck did i just say (think)? anyways his personality is what brings him down.

Ellie is  captain of the softball, soccer and cheer teams. One time I tried out for the softball team and she is the only one in the school that treats me like I'm an actual human even though  I didn't make it she gave me a fair chance.

Shawn looked up and let go off Ellie's shoulder which was replaced by Cameron's I guess shawn did that in  a friendly way.

He looked up at me and put his finger over his lips signaling me to be quiet.

When Cameron and Ellie walked away Shawn came up to me and he held my shoulders and said

"Hailey I am so sorry, I con'y believe that they actually hurt you and they want me to participate OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG what do I do?" 

i laughed and said 

"Shawn its okay I'm used to it but later if you don't want them to hurt me then you should tell them that you want to do the beating by yourself and only kick me in the legs and arms thats were I'm the strongest" 

"thats a great idea and I think that you should ...." he said but got cut off by carter anfd his girlfriend walking up and carter said 

"she should what?" 

"she umm should_" shawn began

cliff hanger bitchochos

i need gf's for 



jack j


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