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( friendship headcannons! )
( multi - season! )

( friendship headcannons! )( multi - season! )

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i. out of all of the new directions, it's no secret that sam is the closest to blaine. in fact, they're the closest friend the other has ever had. they're basically brothers. there's nothing the other they don't know about each other. their friendship is the rare, intimate type.

ii. because sam struggles in school with his dyslexia, artie (and mike when he can) regularly tutors him in the classes he struggles with, which is, like, all of them.

iii. mike chang is sam's go-to friend when it comes to picking a movie to watch. they like the same actors and have the same sense of humor, so they normally have no problem agreeing on a movie to watch. also, sam and mike are the biggest movie critics and can never keep their mouths shut when they watch one. one will constantly lean over to the other and predict what they think will happen next.

iv. during sam's junior year when he was staying with the hudson-hummels, he grew increasingly closer to kurt despite bunking with finn. kurt was the first of the two brothers to pick up on sam's interest in and angst over mercedes, who surprisingly hadn't told kurt about the kiss they shared in the auditorium after their duet. kurt, being the romantic he is, offered sam plenty of ideas of how to completely win her over, on one instance even trying to teach sam how to cook.

v. when it came to sam's senior year and the sophomores joining glee club, marley rose became surprisingly close with sam out of all of the seniors in the new directions.

vi. if sam ever needs a blunt, honest opinion, he goes to artie because he knows that artie has an opinion on everything and he certainly won't sugarcoat it.

vii. sam kept the shot glass puck snagged for him and the other boys in glee before he graduated.

viii. when sam's modeling photo got on the side of a bus as an ad, ryder was the first to see it one weekend when he went with his family to the city. he initially had to do a double-take when he saw it, but ending up sending sam a picture anyway.

ix. let's be honest here, if sam ever shares a soda with one of the guys in glee club, he calls it a 'broda'.

x. when it comes to his friends, sam's an incredibly touchy-feely person.

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