Chapter Nine: Nevada

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I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while guys but I've excitedly been working on my other book which is more on the intense side, hopefully you guys don't hate me and like the chapter! :) xx

We drive up to a somewhat old building, edged between other buildings lining the glowing RENO sign. 

I park in one of the far lots behind the building where security cameras are turned away from the entrance. 

"I'll go get the key from Jim, stay here until I come back" 

Elizabeth slips on her coat and slips out of the car, walking into the main entrance greeting someone behind a desk. 

I turn off the car and drum my fingers on the wheel, letting out a breath I didn't know I was holding in. 

After Elizabeth confessed, the car ride was pretty quiet. About an hour in I turned the radio on to some crappy indie shit. 

I felt uneasy being so close to someone that had presumably killed my own brother but at the same time I didn't fear her. I know I should have, I should have confronted her with every sliver of profanity in me but I didn't. I just nodded and focused my eyes on the road. 

Something about her confession made me doubt her. Maybe it was the way she closed her eyes when she said it, or the way she hesitantly looked at me with her beautiful brown eyes wanting to say something else but only saying the opposite of what I wanted to hear. 

Something about Elizabeth Grace made me fear her, but also want to get to know her more and more. Explore her mind and the secrets shes holding behind the walls she's put up. 

I have only known her for a day and I already feel like I know so much about her. Well, the new me, has known her for a day. The old me used to have strong feelings for her, feelings you get when your love and care for someone is greater than it would be for a friend. 

I run my hands through my hair in frustration. 

Why the hell would my mother lie to me? Why would she want me to fucking be with someone I don't even know? Why was Ashley even fucking playing along? To make a fucking fool of me? 

I slam my hands down against the wheel's rim, gripping the edges so hard I notice my knuckles turning white. 

"Harry?" I hear a soft, muffled voice bring me back to reality

I look over and see Elizabeth bending over to be eye level with me. She holds up a silver ring with two bronze keys dangling from it. I can't help the smile that begins to play on my lips at the sight of her childish grin. 

I take the keys out of the ignition, unbuckle my seat belt and slip out of the car. Opening the back door I spot her watching me through the reflection of the mirror. I smile slightly before proceeding to take out the money and wallets Gemma had hidden under one of the carpet folds. 

Elizabeth's eyes almost pop out of their sockets when she notices the endless amount of black wallets. I close the back door and lock the car before gesturing for her to take the lead. 

I watch her begin to walk but stop abruptly, looking in my direction. I freeze at the way her eyes narrow and her lips turn down at the corners. She's only five and a half feet tall, but just the thought of her attacking me and possibly winning, strikes terror in me.

She walks over to me, eyeing my facial features then gripping the sides of my jacket. I gulp down the last ounce of breath I have, waiting for her to make a move. Her hands slip past my shoulders, moving somewhere behind me then back forward. 

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