Chap. 24 - The Finale

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Well, I suppose this is the end.

I bet I know what you're thinking. Oh no! There's still so many unsolved problems, and knots that are untied! What about Leo and Sophia? You and Nico? You idiot, kiss him! I miss Ren! Oh, Phillip and Calypso are sooo cute! But still, untied knots! It can't end now! Uuuugh!

Well, worry not. Most of those problems will be solved. Hopefully.

But then there's you people that are more like, Ugh, finally. This was the stupidest story ever. Why'd it go on this long? I mean, Greek gods? Monsters? Really? You're insane.

I would like to say that we kicked Enceladus's butt, but in all truth, he kicked ours. But that's not the team spirit. We could have all died if we hadn't gotten some help from the ocean, though.

Where's a perfect place to start this?


I was laying on the now muddy and yet scorched ground, paaaain shooting through my leg from my stupid broken ankle. My sword was in one hand and my hopes were in the other. Needless to say, I'd dropped all the hopes and carried not but a weapon.

My mother had finished off all Gegeines, but that didn't mean more weren't going to come. The rest of my little quest party were stabbing at Enceladus, but their muscles and joints were weak and had grown tired. Leo looked ready to pass out, and everyone else was coated in a layer of sweat.

I hauled myself to my feet with more paaaain coursing through my leg. Enceladus sneered at me. "Scared, little demigod? No, more.. tired. Weak." He jeered, smiling cruelly.

"Down but not out," I screamed back up at him.

Leo finally dramatically collapsed, gasping for breath. I could see Sophia roll her eyes. "VALDEZ!" She screeched, swinging her blade at Enceladus's leg furiously. "Get up! Ain't no time for sleepin'!"

"In case I don't make it.." Leo breathed. "Sophia, remember our first night camping out? Those dots and slashes I traced on your arm meant 'I LOVE YOU'!"


"I know!"


"How'd you know?" Leo mused, suddenly in a panic, his eyes wide.

"Pocket Leo told me!" She replied.

".. oh."

Leo, eventually, hauled himself to his feet, and started hacking at Enceladus, though it didn't really get him anywhere.

"Amath," My mom piped up, standing beside me. "The only thing that can defeat a giant is a god. You know that, right?"

"Yes," I muttered. "But where are we gonna get any help from a god? It's not like they're listening or anything."

"It doesn't hurt to try!"

Enceladus shot another pillar of fire in our direction. I jumped out of the way, and ended up on the ground. Gods, it was hard to move around with a broken ankle. My mom offered me a hand, and I dragged to my feet, my jaw clenched.

I'd heard a lot about the gods from Percy, and so far I'd learned that they didn't like to listen and weren't always a big help. I'd heard that Zeus was too serious, Hera was just a jerk, Poseidon was pretty chill, Hades wasn't very friendly at all, and Aphrodite loved to screw with love stories.

But I'm getting distracted.

We were surrounded by a ring of fire. To the mortals, it would probably appear as simply a forest fire when there was really a huge cause behind it. I charged at Enceladus once again and drove my blade through his leg, and quickly drew back before he could kick me away. I heard him groan, but he was otherwise unfazed.

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