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It was another tiring summer day for y/n as per usual

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It was another tiring summer day for y/n as per usual.

The young college student proceeded to walk down the streets in her work uniform, which consisted of a bright green polo and a cap with the company's signature logo, while looking at several shirts from a storefront. With the extremely high temperatures, she wanted nothing more than to take the entire summer off to relax and chill off in her little single dorm.

She never intended to land a job as a barista at one of the most popular coffee shops nearby her college campus. Y/n wasn't the most social person, and often complained about the amount of workload she received for having a striking demeanor. Her boss took a strong liking to her as she found her passion behind the counters. Her only motive was to pay off her tuition, not to fool around with the other male coworkers. 

"It's a pretty blouse for a pretty lady," a deep voice uttered from behind y/n as she slightly tapped the glass window with her nails on accident. He watched her from a short distance and allowed y/n to guess the owner of the sudden voice. "Very beautiful. It's such a shame you aren't using your beauty to use."

"W-What?" the young women blurted, whipping her head in all directions before coming face-to-face with a mint-eyed man. He looked eerily at y/n and quickly snapped his mind away from his other plan in mind. "W-What do you mean? Wait! First off, who are you? H-How do you know me?"

"Sweetheart," he whispered, repeatedly shaking his floppy mess of white hair with red tips. He inched closer to y/n and bent his neck to get a better sight of his next hopeful victim, brushing his fingers against her shoulders on accident in fear of losing her. "I wouldn't worry about that now, my dear. I just believe that you deserve to work elsewhere, not at some coffee shop. Don't you think, y/n?"

"D-Do I know you? I don't really know how to reply, sir..."

"Why don't you work for me?" the mysterious male brought up, suspiciously pulling out a business card from his back pocket. "I would have the pleasure to have you as my new assistant."

"A-Assistant? Why would I want to be your assistant?"

The twenty-year-old rolled her eyes and quickly shoved his card back at the mysterious man with a loud thump. With her hectic school schedule, she couldn't envision the idea of becoming the assistant to a strange man she just met. Y/n didn't want to risk her life for a job. She deemed it too good to be true. "I'm not really sure whether or not I should trust your words, Mr—"

"How about I make an offer?" he cut in.

"An offer? What type of offer?" she asked, raising an eyebrow at the mysterious man while fanning the heat waves away. Perhaps, she should consider her options with this said offer— if he stays true to his words. "You have five minutes."

Five minutes?

No problem, he thought to himself with a lopsided smile.

"Why don't we discuss this matter inside of my automobile?" he added, politely gesturing his hands to a long black car with clean, new wheels. His plan was going accordingly on time. "I wouldn't want any assistant of mine drenched in sweat, especially you."

"You want me to get inside? Very funny, sir! I'm not stupid to fall into that trap so easily," she scoffed, crossing her arms. She took one final glance at the man of many lies before making a run for her life. To both of their surprises, she didn't make it that far.

Y/n was under the control of the terrifying man.

"Get in the car! Now!" the mint-eyed man ordered, opening his car door wide enough for her to enter and enough to stop her from escaping. He didn't have time to fool around with y/n and her disobedience. He needed to execute his plan now! "Listen to me, sweetheart. You'll get in the car and listen to everything I've got to say. Got it?"

No! No! No!

Her mind went into immediate panic mode.

"L-Let me go!" she shrieked, struggling to maintain her breathing as he tried to shove her into the unrecognizable new car. Much to her dismay, her loud screams didn't catch the attention of anyone nearby them. Weak and afraid, she furiously kicked the mysterious man in the groin several times. Unfortunately, that didn't stop him from slamming her into the car door.

He grabbed and both of her wrists and deeply clawed into them with his nails. He continued to hold her against his will, pulling a  bandanna from one of his pants' pockets. Despite her protests, he ultimately had the red bandanna out and pressed it against her nose. " go!"

Her body was not immune to the toxins and she began to lose sight of her surroundings as she was left no other choice. It was horrifying and scary to y/n to come up to a conclusion— she had lost to this monster. Monster! Demon! Kidnapper...."You're funny-looking," she giggled, bopping her kidnapper's nose as she lost her composure and fell into his arms. "What's your name, hot-stuff?"


Silly girl, he thought.

"Not now, dear," Saeran, the mysterious man, replied, lifting the young women into his arms bridal-style and setting her into the back seat of his car. Easy! He was proud of his achievement and pressed a chaste kiss on y/n's forehead before shutting the door with a click and settling onto the driver's seat. The white-haired man looked at his rear mirror and smiled.

It was a first!

As a matter of fact— many firsts!

"Why won't you tell me?" she whined with a pout.

He understood y/n and her desire for a single thing in this grand universe, but decided to put it off for the evening. He wanted to savor and allow the millions of emotions to submerge into him and his conscious while they lasted. He felt proud of himself for reaching this far in the game. "Sweetheart, not now."


"No, buts," he interfered. "Why don't you go to sleep for me?"

"S-Sleep? I don't want to sleep!" the young student complained, hitting the back of her kidnapper's seat with a punch. He moved in his seat to find his right composure to drive and let out a sigh of exhaustion. "Sleep is for the weak."

Saeran made a right turn.

This women makes no sense, he chuckled to himself.

"Is that so? In that case, you are weak," he ended, turning up the radio station in his car for some calming beat. He was too tired to bother with the lady in the backseat of his car at this hour.

Frustratingly, she pulled her knees up to her chest and punched herself in the stomach or anywhere that exposed skin. It didn't add up in her head. In all honesty, none of it did! It teared her entire head apart. "Not true! I'm not weak! I-I'm— I hate you!"

"I hate you too, love."

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