The Audition

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The room echoes as my sneakers walk on the wooden floor. The vice student body president, Hamilton and the student body president of the school, Cleo taps their fluffy pens. "Okay loser, I don't have all day. Who are you?"

I sigh and look at Hamilton. He shrugs and fixes his hair. "Well, I'm your lab partner in Chemistry. And well, my name is Billie Jean, like the song."

Cleo's poised posture ended as she sloped back in her chair,"Well, you're not going to get into this talent show by b*tching your way to it. Do whatever you are suppose to do." I cleared my throat, getting ready to sing. Cleo quickly perked up and listened like a dog. She couldn't believe I was about to sing. I didn't play the piano, because I didn't know how to. I tapped my foot, I looked at my friend, Nicole Boyce. "Well what are you even gonna be singing anyway?" Hamilton said right before I almost sang. I sighed,"Janis Joplin, Kozmic Blues." Cleo's mouth dropped open and laughed,"Wait you really think you can sing Janis Joplin? You're mad, I'm recording this." She took out her sparkly pink phone and recorded.

I sighed and started to sing. "Time keeps moving on. Friends they turn away. I keep movin' on." Nicole's mouth dropped open, she never heard me sing but always supported me. I knew she didn't think I could actually sing. So this thrusted me to sing some more. "But I never found out why. I keep pushing so hard. The dream." When I finished singing the whole song Cleo's phone dropped. "You're in honey! You're in!" The drama teacher ran up to me and hugged me. "You are going to be the most important act! Ugh, I can't believe we have you." She gave me kisses on the cheek. She left a imprint on my cheek, and I reeked of her perfume. The drama teacher gave me a big hug again and lead me off stage. "Now remember kid, don't ditch your talent. It's special." She lit a cigarette and walked up the stage. Hamilton spoke up to the drama teacher,"It's a college! A school! Don't smoke again Miss Wells." She sighed and put the cig out. I walked out of they auditorium and Nicole trailed behind me. "That's amazing BJ!" She shouted, she yelled loud enough so Cleo and Hamilton heard her. Cleo turned around and rolled her eyes at me. And Hamilton... gave another gesture involving one of his fingers. Nicole raised her arms and looked up, while twirling around me. "I know Janis Joplin's reincarnation! Thank you God!" Nicole believed in those sort of things, she thinks that gravity is fake, and that everyone has been a famous person in one of their lives. I on the other hand don't want to think about beliefs ever. I don't know just, why should I worry about when I die when I'm suppose to be living. But anyways, I pick up Nicole as she chuckles. I carry her to the exit of the school, as I push open the heavy blue door the sunlight blinds me, and I fall while carrying Nicole. We both tumble down and almost go down the long stairs. We exchange looks as Nicole and I look at the stairs that we almost fell down. We both than burst out laughing, as we get up and dust off our clothes. Nicole walks down the stairs of our college.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2019 ⏰

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