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The song for this chapter is:

Can we dance

-The Vamps


So basically all day I was at the mall to look for something to wear to Bowens house. He told me the party was at 7:00.

I didn't find anything I liked the most part of my small trip to the mall, but I finally passed a skater skirt that caught my attention. By then, I was desperate and would go to the damn party in my pajamas. So I just bought the skirt and thought I could tuck in a loose tank in the skirt. I thought it would be enough for the party.

I think it is.

I hope so.

By the time I'm finally dressed in my floral skirt, grey tank top, and have done my makeup, which is only ever mascara, concealer and a pale pink lipstick, I check myself in the mirror.

I'm not going to lie, I actually look very nice. Decent for what I usually look like, but very nice.

It's 6:46 already and I'm thinking of random stuff to pass the time.

Why did Bowen ask me to go to his house? Because he wanted to or because his parents told him to?

What will I do at his house?

I better tell my mom I'm going over to his place. I totally forgot, because all this Bowen stuff is taking over my mind.

The phone rings twice before she picks up.

"Hello? Savannah?" she says in a rushed tone.

"Yeah, I just wanted to tell you that I'm going over to Bowens house to a party thing he invited me to. I forgot to tell you but it's in, like, fifteen minutes."

"Oh, darling, that's wonderful. Bowen is a handsome, young man."

"Mom, we're not dating or anything, he just invited me to this stupid party."

"Okay then."

"Besides, his parents made him invite me."

"Honey, don't get drunk okay? I love you and I want you back by twelve, latest." She hangs up on me.

Twelve? Ha. That's fine by me. She's being very nice and understanding to me.

It's 7:24 and I want to arrive at around eight. If I arrived at seven, It would've been way too awkward because no one would be at their house that early.

I like to arrive fashionably late.

I check myself one last time in the mirror. I don't know why but I want to make a good impression on Bowens family. Like I said before, it's not like we're dating.

I wouldn't mind if we were.

I shake the thought from my head.

I mean, sure, Bowen is really attractive and his hair is always in the perfect mess above his head, and the way he smiles just makes me feel like a little fluff ball of joy inside, and his eyes, oh God, his eyes, they make me feel like I'm looking into pure happiness, but hey, I literally met him last week at some neighborhood barbecue crap.

A crush. That's what it is. I have a little crush on this guy. I'm like a five year old. Maybe my mom is right, grow up Savannah.



I make my way over to Bowens door and ring the doorbell.

Within ten seconds, a small woman greets me with a big smile on her face. The same smile as Bowen. I guess that it's his mom.

"Savannah! Honey! How are you? Come in, please."

"Hi Mrs. Johnston. I'm fine, thank you. And yourself?" I ask politely.

"Very well, thank you. I'm guessing you're Bowens guest?"

What? Oh. He invited me, not his parents. I'm suddenly giddy at that thought.

"Uhm, yeah, I guess so." I reply with a wide smile.

I really don't know where this conversation is going but before either of us can continue talking, Bowen appears in front of me.

"Hey Savannah!"

"Oh, hey Bowen."

Why the hell am I blushing?

This is going to be one hell of a night.

"You came." He says, surprised.

"I said I would, didn't I?" I respond, a little harsher than I would have liked.

"Oh yeah-no, I was just, I don't know- you look beautiful." I feel my face heat up at his sudden remark and I can't help the stupid grin on my face.

"Uhm.. thanks. You look fine yourself." I literally do not know what to say.

"Thanks.. Want a drink?" He asks, and for that I'm thankful. It was getting way too awkward.

"Yeah! Sure, thanks."

He smiles and walks away.

Wow, Savannah. Why are you so nervous? My subconscious asks me.

Oh I don't know, maybe because I was just talking to a super cute guy who just called me beautiful.

I take the time to look around the house. It's very, very big. They custom built it. The living room is full of guests. Some sitting on a long couch, some standing around tables and I spot some on the back porch I believe. The ceilings are super tall and there's a huge crystal chandelier hanging above everyone. A long staircase which, if I'm not mistaken, leads to all the bedrooms on the top floor.

The circular rug I'm standing on covers most of the living room floor, with it's gorgeous designs that match the couch pillows and flower filled vases.

The fireplace is the main attraction in the room. Mainly because atop it there is a big, Roman numeral, rustic brown clock. It really does compliment everything in the room.

While I'm observing the beautiful design of the staircase railing, Bowen's voice is heard in my ear and makes me jump.

"Nice, isn't it?"

"Gosh, Bowen, you scared me." I push him lightly.

"I just wanted to make sure you heard me over this music." He sarcastically remarks because the music is some type of Jazz and we can hear each other perfectly.

"Oh." I smile.

"Here's your drink," he hands me a red cup with bubbling orange liquid inside, "it's orange crush, I didn't know what you liked."

"Orange crush is fine, thanks."

"So you're probably wondering why you came here in the first place, like, this is pretty boring, I know," He says, reading my thoughts exactly. He continues, "Maybe we could hang out on the back porch? Or we could always go up to my room and just talk to get to know each other since we are neighbors... I mean, like, whatever you want, you're the guest." He smiles that gorgeous smile.

"Let's go up to your room?" I basically ask him.

"Yeah, that's cool."

He leads me up the long stairwell to a long hallway and we finally arrive in his room.

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