Chapter 1

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Hi there! My name is Y/N. I'm going to tell you something that you'll probably not believe: I'm a witch.

I know! Crazy right?

Anyways, I first found out when i was walking to school one day. I was always the shy and unpopular girl in school. Everyone loved to call me names and bully me. I was walking to school when the bullies started beating me up. I felt so angry, that I accidentally set one of their bags on fire!

Of course, we eventually put out the fire, but the next day people started calling me a freak. That i didn't belong there.

Soon, I learnt that I was a witch. How? An owl flew to my house and dropped a letter on the table. Curiosty got the best of me and i tore open the letter. Inside, found this letter:

My eyes were wide open in shock

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My eyes were wide open in shock. Questions began to swirl in my head. Was I a witch? Why didn't my parents tell me? I put aside these questions and decided to interogate my parents. Turns out I was a witch. My parents kept it from me until now. My mum was from a noble pureblooded family which only had Slytherins. Well, until my mum was put in Ravenclaw. Apparently,there are four houses, Gryfindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff and Slytherin. My dad was also a pureblood. My mum and dad were both in Ravenclaw and met there. Then they got married and you should know the rest...

Aparently, a pureblood is a family or individual without Muggle (non-magic) blood. The concept is generally associated with Salazar Slytherin, one of the four founders of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, whose aversion to teaching anybody of Muggle parentage eventually led to a breach with his three fellow founders, and his resignation from the school. (I got this from

So school starts on 1st September (I think) and its only a few days away! I can't wait!

Hello Potterheads! I hope you're enjoying the story so far. Bye!




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