Chapter 11

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Early in the morning about 7 am the following day, streams of sunlight broke through the window curtains and hit Chris’s closed eyes. He groaned, trying to evade the bright light and stretched his arms toward the opposite side of the bed.

Until all of a sudden, he had felt something beside him. It was soft but it couldn’t be a pillow. It’s… warm.

He turned his head around to see what it was, and of course, he saw a naked man with long black hair and pale white skin, sprawled out on the bed, breathing lightly.

Chris was like “wtf?” thinking how and why the hell did Ricky end up in Chris’s bed naked?

Then that second, he had a sudden and shocking realization.

He fucked him good last night.

Chris’s heart beat had increased in shock and decided to look under the blankets to make sure what he thinks was right.

And he was.

‘Holy shit’ he spat out.

‘Jesus fuck holy shit I knew I shouldn’t have fucking drank last night what the fuck was I doing!?’ he continued to swear as he quickly stood up from the band and panickly (I don’t think this is a word lol) ran to the bathroom, but then something made him trip and like the giant he is, he fell to the ground, hard, face first.

Lol wat an idiot *cough*

Chris groaned in pain as he stood up slowly, still utterly shocked about what he did do Ricky. Or rather, with Ricky.

Chris swore at himself and gave himself a mental slap in the face for being easily forced to drink.

This is why you shouldn’t drink too much, random citizen of wherever country you came from. You don’t want to end up sleeping with a random fgt and won’t remember anything the next morning. Next minute this guy has several STD’s. lol ew nope.

Anyway, back to the story.

Chris sat up, resting his hands. And when he did, he felt something crumple in his hands.

He picked it up.

‘A phone number?’ Chris thought as he looked at the paper from Ricky’s pants. ‘Did Ricky get laid last night while I was out, drunk?’

Chris got extremely curious, and at the same time, jealous when he continued to think about it.

He picked up his phone and started punching in the number, but he stopped. He hesitated.

‘Should I really be doing this?

First thing in the morning?’

Chris was right. He continued staring at the phone, his fingers dying to push the dial button.

But does he have the right to know this? To begin spying on Ricky’s life and maybe, ruin it?


He doesn’t have a single right to do it.

But Chris was like “fuck it” after a few seconds and started to dial the number. He put the phone in his ear, waiting for an answer.

“Hello?” the other line picked up with a voice that seemed to be from a woman.

And as soon as he heard it, he immediately put the phone down and ended the call in panic and shock.

It was a fucking chick.

Ricky got laid.

Chris stood up and since he stoopid, he hit his head on the cabinet door that was open and a futon was spread on the floor.

There was a groan from the bed, and Chris quickly turned his head to check if Ricky had woken up.

‘Well thank God.’

He just moved a bit and started cuddling the big pillow next to him, so adorable. Chris sighed in relief.

And then Chris shot up and decided to put the piece of paper inside his jacket’s pocket that was hung in the bathroom door. He went to the bathroom to take a shower to remove the smell, and before closing the door, he took his last glimpse on Ricky. He felt his stomach jump, 6987569 miles per hour because damn why should he be so fucking adorable?!


I'm pretty sure I posted this chapter a few minutes ago. Guess I was wrong (dun dun dunnn) 

Oh, and is it weird that Chris was naked the whole time? no? ok 

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