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The redhead beamed at him before sending his thanks. Kamitani watched as the boy disappeared from the corner after being told where the biology section was.

Before, it was always like this, how— with the boy asking the blackette for help and guidance in the library. Kamitani, of course, obliged and answered him in return. By some time he would also see a green haired girl by the boy's side, and what looks like to be his grandmother and his little brother.

Kamitani used to note in his thoughts what the boy had been reading, predict what time he'll be going to the library, and what he likes and dislikes.

But he's forgotten the syllables of his name.

library whispers.

Now, four years had gone by, and Kamitani was still clueless and thinking about the short redhead. He didn't know what had started his curiosity about the boy anyway. Maybe he was just bored and was relating to old stories. Perhaps he was just tired from baseball practice, and his thoughts drifted into those likable bright smiles that always appeared on his face whenever he had helped him. Maybe..

Kamitani sighed. It's no use thinking about that person.

The ringing bell suddenly echoed through his ears, and students quickly crowded the hallways. Kamitani remained in his sit and prepared his lunch, and he wonders if he'll ever see that person again.

(a/n: yee i wanted to contribute to this BEAUTIFUL ship. its sad cause this anime is underrated ;; this story isn't really planned out, but i have some things going on my mind. sorry for the early publish!)

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